Visual Kei Instagram Account Index

There used to be a huge thread on MH with a list of artists and their instagram accounts and that died eventually, and it’s been a while so I thought I’d revive it since there’s plenty more since then. I’ve spent two days going through the over 500 name list that’s on there and sorted through the bands that aren’t in the scene and accounts that are old (anything that hasn’t been updated as of January 1st 2021 is excluded). Please feel free to list ones that aren’t on here, hopefully we’ll make an even bigger list than before! :grinning:

RYO:SUKE (WING WORKS) - rk_wing_naiff
Ruki (the GazettE) - ruki_nilduenilun
Leona (Satsuki support) - t_b_leona
Tomo (Dadaroma) - tomo_dadaroma
Gackt - gackt
JUDY隼 (More) - judyjun_official
Kamijo - kamijoofficial
Ice (Black Gene For The Next Scene) - ice_bfn
Suzune (Liraizo) - liraizo_suzune
Kazuya (Dictator Circus) - dckazuya
Yuuki (DOAK) - yuuki_ofc
Sora (Dezert) - dezert_sora
Minpha (Pentagon) - neet_minpha
Mizuki (ex.Sadie The THIRTEEN) - mizuki_the13
Yuga (Shellmy) - gt.yuga
Ryoga (BORN) - ryg_outputs
Shinya (Dir en grey) - shinya_official
Cazqui (ex.NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST) - cazqui_official
Natsu (NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST) - natsu_nb
Aki (SID) - sid.aki
Kiyoharu - ki_spring
Shuu (girugamesh) - grgm_shuu
Satoshi (girugamesh) - satoshi_grgm
Miya (MUCC) - miyaguchi
Nero (MERRY) - nerorythemdaze
Yu (MERRY) - u_merry
Yusuke (lynch.) - ysk_lynch
Asanao (lynch.) - lynchasanu
HYDE - hydeofficial
Kai (the Gazette) - gazette_kai_
Yomi (Nightmare) - nightmare.yomi
Kaya - @kaya_official_account
Kana (Codomo Dragon) kana.codomodragon
nihit (killaneth) - nihit_factor
hiryu (re/v) - hiryu_official
kou (re/v) - flare9999
shoya (diaura) - godbwye0202
takeru (sug) - sug_takeru
meto(mejibray) - mejibray_metostagram
Val (ex-DuelJewel) val.on.drums
Natsuki (ex-DuelJewel) natsuki_bassist
Emiru (ex-Lareine) emiru_official
Saku (Gossip) - sakugossip
Sena (JILUKA) - jiluka_sena
Hiroto (A9) hiroto_a9
Teru (Versailles/Jupiter) teru_official
Martha (Sirene, VAMPIRE ROSE)
Z/Seth (SHAPE SHIFTER, Moi dix Mois)
Visual Kei Oyaji (Seiichi Hoshiko)
JUN (ex-Scarlet Valse)
Yuiha (Synk;yet)
Heidi (Butterfly Syndrome)
Jin (ex-EXEQUTE)
yanagi (BLESS THIS MESS) - yanagi_currydaisuki
chisa (acme) - acme_chisa
mikage (chariots) - mikage_6th
hisayoshi (ex.ClearVeil) - hisayoshi.1129
ryohei (CLØWD) - clowd_ryohei
hikaru (D=OUT) - hikaru_dout
taka (defspiral) - taka_defspiral
masato (defspiral) - masatoism
taniguchi tomorou(dennou oblaat) - tomoro0808
dexcore - dexcore_official
yuya (develop one’s faculties) - asserter_yuya
retsu (DIMLIM) - dimlim_retsu
DIR EN GREY - direngrey_official
chobi (ex.DIV) - chobi_bass
cake a.k.a Lay (ex.Fatima) - hotcakemixnet
the GazettE - the_gazette_official
aoi (the GazettE) - aoi_thegazette
reita (the GazettE) - reita_the_gazette_
yuuki (Initial’L) - yk_initial
taizo (kra) - tz_0218
yukiya (LAZAROUS) - lazarous_yukiya
touma (LIRAIZO) - liraizo_touma
sugizo (LUNA SEA, X JAPAN) - sugizo_official
inoran (LUNA SEA) - inoran_official
hazuki (lynch.) - lynch_hazuki
tsuzuku (MEJIBRAY) - tzk_cristate_
MERRY - merryofficial
kou (MIZTAVLA) - miztavla_kou
hiryu (MIZTAVLA) - miztavla_hiryu
takafumi (ex.MoNoLith) - bass_takafumi
ena (NEIN) - ena_kasa_0920
hiro (NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST) - hiro_ncbl
taku (Pentagon) - pentagon_taku
yutori (Pentagon) - pentagon_yutori
atsuki (Pentagon) - pentagon_atsuki
owari (PiGLOW in GLOOMY) - pig_owr
miyoshi (RAINDIA) - raindia1005
hiziri (ramiel) - ramiel_hiziri
nozomi (ramiel) - ramiel_nozomi
tsukasa (ramiel) - tsukasa_bass
itsuki (ramiel) - ramiel_itsuki
shigure (RHEDORIC) - bass_shigure
saya (RIBELIO) - rblo_saya
jun (roub) - jun_roub
Scarlet Horizon - scarlet_horizon_staff
byo (ex.SCREW) - byo_official
jin (ex.SCREW) - jin_0722_ofc
takuma (ex.Sel’m) - takuma724
sou (sith/Love Lock) - sou_sith_love
rio (smileberry) - ohrygram
yow (sweet×home) - SH_yow
chiyu (SuG) - sug_chiyu
setsuna (unfate) - s_666x
LiN (UNiTE.) - lin_duck_core_nothing
ai (Van9ish) - van9ish_ai
kei (ex.velgreed) - k_tenoritiger
MiMi (the velvet) - mimi_the_velvet
rui (vistlip) - ruiofficial_i
yuh (vistlip) - yuhxvistlip
Yoshiki (X JAPAN) - yoshikiofficial
kanata (zonbi) - zombie_kanata
Kawaguchi (Like an Edison) - ooo_kawaguchi
Aoi (Ayabie, Aoi-168-) - aoi_official0401/
Ryohei (Megamasso) - mm_peko/
Gara (MERRY): merrygara0706
Yukiya (Kain, D=SIRE, JILLS, etc.) tokyo_monochrome/
Quina (ex-Nihilizm, KHRYST+) -denki_otoko/
IRU (ex-Nihilizm, KHRYST+) - inumamire_p1pit/
Kyounosuke (Kizu) - kyonostagram/
Yuki (ex-Kagekui, ex-DAYDALA) Auxbry/
Hikaru Kishine (Justy-Nasty, krishnablue) -hikarukishine/
Rei (Marco) rei_marc0


Ikuma (Ex-Reign) - reign_ikuma/
Kazuharu (ex-Reign) reign_kazuharu/
Daisuke (Ex-Kameleo) daisuke_okawara/
Ryohei (Jin-Machine) ryoha_bass/
Kimaru (Jin Machine) kimu_7drummer/
Takuto (Poidol) poidol_takuto/
Toya (Gotcharock)toya__gotcharocka/
Ruimaru (Vivarush) vr_ruimaru/
Taji (Rides in Revelion ) taji_rir/
MenMen (Codomo Dragon) menmen_codomo/
Kouki (D=out) kouki_buddhacomplex/
Yume (Codomo Dragon)yumecodomo_official/
Takeshi (ex Kameleo) takeshi_823/
Hayato (Codomo Dragon) codomohayato_official/
Takamasa (Kiryu) takemasa_official/
Attsu The Destroyer (Jin Machine) attsu_destroy/
Kagemaru (Zigzag) kagemaru_zigzag
Mizuki (Dog in the PWO ) dog_mizuki/
Hiro (Fest Vainqueuer) fest_hirosun/
Isse (buglug) buglug_issei
Jun Jun (Dog in the PWO) dog_junchan/
Jun (Gotcharocka) jun_akaneko/
Kanna (Dog in the PWO ) dog_kanna/
Bame (BugLug) buglug_bame/
Dancho (No God) nogod_dancho/

there’s more but I’ve followed so many Japanese diyers, cats, former bands, and fan sites, I dunno whose the real artist and who isn’t :o


a few I follow

Hizaki (Jupiter, Versailles) hizaki_official
翠(SUI) (David, Megaromania) official_sui
Яʏᴜ (ASHMAZE) ryu_bassist
Serah (聖薇) (Labaiser) serah_labaiser
Maeda Airo (前田 愛郎) (Under Fall Justice) ufj_airo
Rin (Scarlet Valse) sv_rinjapan
iT (DazzlingBAD) hateman_it_


Mei (mama.) - mama_mei_0000
Reiki (kizu) - reiki_kun
Nagito (Labaiser) - labaiser_nagito
Hiroshi (DIMLIM) - dimlim_hiroshi
Ichiyo (Kebyo, AMON.) - ichiyo140
Rubito (R.I.P.) - varie_rubito
Yumeguni Fumiya (Lust) - (Kebyo, AMON.) seven_deadly_sins.lust
Nihit (ex.KILLANETH, MORRIGAN) - fujin_nippi
yu-ha (EVILA) - evila_yu_ha
Saya (Labaiser) - labaiser_saya
Nero (EViLA, JE:NOVA) - evilanero
mana (mama.) mama.nomananano
Ai (gulu gulu) gulu_gulu_i
Souma (XANVALA) - xnvl_souma
Tomoya (XANVALA) - xnvl_tomoya
Lime (kizu) - lime1582_official
Utsuke (Kebyo, AMON.) - utsuke_drums
Aki (EViLA) - evila_aki
Ray (EViLA) - rayaray6174
EViLA (Official) - evila_official
Hina (Kebyo, AMON.) - hinachi_gt
Tatsumi (XANVALA) - ttm_lyricizm
70. (XANVALA) - 70.0503
Yuhma (XANVALA) xanvala_yuhma
XANVALA (Official) - xanvala
Kebyo (Official) - kebyo777
YUE (kizu) - kz_by
Hotaru (gulu gulu) - gulu__Hotaru
Miyuki (Kebyo) - miyuki.watanuki
Jun (R.I.P.) - jun__0321__

The Toya (GOTCHAROCKA) one is a fan account, as far as I know the only one who has an official instagram account is Jun.

Sakai Mitsuki (kiryu) - kiryu_mitsuki

Яe:NA (Unli Furps) uf_re_na
Yusuke (EXDEATH) yusuke01200120
AJ (Layd) aj_edm
TaxchiaN (EXDEATH, wacky toys) tatsuya.jrdoor
OGA (Sacrifice) oga.sacrifice
Shinya (kikakumono, ex-faz) kikaku_shinya
Hyuga (EXDEATH) hyuga_vocal
Sutari (Sacrifice) insutarigram
Suzuya (kikakumono, ex-trance note) kikakumono_suzuya
Andy (the Gallo) gallo___andy
Yüsuke (Faith of Fate, ex-sixsense) yusuke_sixsense666
Zeno P (Fesfem) zeno_p_fesfem
Juka juka1004
JoJo (the Gallo) 9alloxjoshuajoestarxkkk (that guy posts only ramen photos thou)
Izumi (ex-sibilebashir, ex-roman kyoku) roman_izumi
Karin (ex-NoGod, ex-roman kyoku) karin_bassist
Toru (ex-Sex Android, ex-roman kyoku)toru516_romankyukou
Tsubasa (Wakuraba~wakuraba~) tbs_wakuraba
Kaede (the Gallo) kaede_official97
Tatsuro (Mucc) tatsuro_twitter
Pata (X Japan)pataofficial.ishizuka
Riku (ex-chariots) rikuvoice
Haru (XaaXaa) haru_xaa
Kazuya (the micro head4n’s) kazuya_offical
Seth zsama_seth
Motokatsu motokatsu_dr
Genki Takebuchi (ex-Tzusuku from Mejibray) genki_t3
Mia (Mejibray) mia_0917_
Kaoru (Dir en Grey) kaoru_crooo
Mikoto-sama (ZigZag) zigzag.mikoto
and as Daishi Uehara wands_wehara
Ryuya (ZigZag) ryuya_zigzag
Kagemaru (ZigZag) kagemaru_zigzag
IZA (Razor) iza.bass

Sorry for adding tons of not popular band guys, i follow most of those i added and they should all be active still.

How many accounts did this man have?
Eitherway, the only one i am aware that is “active” is jun__0321__
but i dont know how active he is there

Could you send the link? Because the account is not findable on Instagram

Oh, no you’re right. It’s the jun__0321__ it’s confusing since he has two twitters and I confused one of those with IG. jun__0321__ was last updated in May. Fixed the post.

Taikou (ex.L7) - taikou.bass
Mika (DE/CLIO) - declio_mika
Reika (ZOMBIE) - reika_zombie
Kanata (ZOMBIE) - zombie_kanata
Izuma (ZOMBIE) - zombie_izuna
Midori (ZOMBIE) - midori_zombie
ZOMBIE (Official) - zombiesama_official
Sakura (ex.DOBE) - dobe_sakura
HYUGA (EXDEATH) - hyuga_vocal
AYAHA (DazzlingBAD) - saizou01011
iT (DazzlingBAD) - hateman_it_
Raika (NINTH) - ninth_raika
Mito (IMY) - imy_mito
Sia (IMY) - imy_sia
Ran (Ari) - ariariari_ran
Lyoka (Ari) - ariariari_lyoka

I wonder if Baby kingdom guys or Maria cross has an instagram account :o

No, and Maria has been off of social media since 2013, and off of ameblo since 2017.

There are accounts, though a Japanese bangya I’m friends with says they’re run by managers instead of the guys themselves. They do seem to slightly interact with fans, e.g. I’ve had the Toramaru account liking my fan art, and the Shiki account looking at my story once.

(2024 edit)

  • Removed as they are out of business

Real account time!

plot twist- they’re all run by Monyo :smiley:

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Lin/Lynn (abstracts, ex- Nocturnal Bloodlust) lynn_ckns

I don’t know if anyone else has said this topic but it might help for those who don’t know if their favorite bands are in the music section of Instagram.
Personally I have found
-Phantasmagoria V系
-Seikima II
-An cafe
-The Gazette
-Buck Tik
-Larc en Ciel


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There is already a discussion about this :smiley:

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I think this was supposed to be a thread to collect who is on the music function for your stories or reels etc. on Instagram.

Tbh i don’t think a whole thread is even worth it. I noticed Artists that are region blocked and countries that block the whole music function.

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Ah but I don’t mean personal accounts of artists. Rather which artists are in the music section where music is posted on Instagram. Not their personal accounts.

How unfortunate