What are you listening to?

Post a link to the song you’re listening to currently.


I love that idea! Hope I don’t spam too much haha. Here :


I listen to a lot of random easy-listening type music while working. And this came up. I used to love this game back in high school. The music still bops.


After spending the afternoon listening to their newest live DVD, I just had to go back to that song. So good <3. “Seek and you will find, all you need is inside” such inspiring words :slight_smile:


I’m looking forward to hearing ELFENSJóN’s new album “STYX” coming out tomorrow.
It’s one of my anticipated releases of 2020.

A discovery of the day.

A cover of Tk’s Unravel in english and very well done. Check his covers, he has a tenor voice and a powerful one! It’s very different from the original, but good nevertheless!


Sokoninaru doing a cover of Diru’s Yokan? I’M IN!!! :smiley:


@Masato That Unravel English cover is definitely one of the best covers out there. It’s so powerful and touching with the translyrics. I was just listening to it on repeat several months ago.

Yokan was my first Dir en grey song. I heard it for the first time in 2002 and started listening to Dir en grey ever since. It’s an easy-to-listen pop-rock song with a catchy chorus.Too bad that not so many bands do a cover of it. But when someone does, it feels special that a good song like this is still not forgotten. By the way, sokoninaru nailed it instrumentally. The instrumental part is just perfect.


@nick Yeah, Jonathan Young is very talented. Have you checked out more of his covers?

That one is worth it!
And same for me, the song has been on repeat many times since 2018 haha, I remember jaming to it during my breaks at my old job haha.

Yeah a lot of band cover Dir en grey in general. Me my first song was in 2006 and it was kodou, if I remember well, it’s still my favorite song, and I nearly died when they played it here in 2008. I went full berserk mode during the show and scream my lungs out like a maniac hahaha. This song means so much to me!

Btw, I will start a topic on “How did you get into VK/J-rock” I think it’ll be interesting!

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Yeah, I have listened to some of his English covers. His Guren no Yumiya cover is so good.

Kodou is one of my favorite tracks from Withering to death. as well. Honestly, IMO, Withering to death. is such a masterpiece along with GAUZE. I like how they made a sequel to the Kodou PV in Revelation of mankind using the same grown-up guy.

It’s a really good idea to tell the story through the same guy that the fans are already familiar with since they were young. It’s like “hey, we all grew up with DIR EN GREY’s music, so did the guy in the PV.”

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I’m kinda new to Kizu, but this song is dope! Really love it, been on replay since tuesday! The video is kinda hardcore but nothing shocking after seeing most of Diru’s MV haha.


Just discovered a great cover of Gurenge by a K-rock band.

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N.Flying are really, really good. If you are interested in K-rock, i’d recommend Day6 as well (their earlier works are more heavy but their new stuff isn’t bad either - more soft pop-rock though).


I’m not familiar with K-rock, but N.Flying covering Gurenge is really good. My first K-rock band was TRAX produced by YOSHIKI in 2004. Scorpio is one of the most beautiful K-rock songs I’ve ever listened to.


Oh god, The TRAX! What a blast from the past! Scorpio definitely is god-tier. I got into them with “Paradox” but yes, Scorpio is definitely the better single!


I’ve been into NICOLAS recently. They sound like something a good VK band from the mid 2000s would have done.


Their music still amazes me.


Yayyyy. Art of life live is up on youtube! God I love this song!