What attracts you towards a band besides their music?

There’s some bands, i won’t say who bc maybe it’s a bit rude, whose music i don’t care for and is pretty mid fluff when it’s on

But i’d go see them live & have a great time! And it occurred to me some songs are written for being fun live over interesting as a studio recording - and some artists’ whole catalogues feel like that to me.

That halfway feels like a thing i like a band for besides the music lol


Anything purple always grabs at attention more. Also the worldview can make a big difference of my opinion on a band. The MV\PV also are important to me, if your MVs are interesting and memorable, I’m more likely to remember the band or think about the music and keep up with the releases. Another think is the costume and makeup, sometimes a bland looking band doesn’t grab my interest. Also like when the members regularly post selfies, like after lives and what not.

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don’t post “boobs”
don’t post “boobs”
don’t post “boobs”


Xaa Xaa caught my attention with all the silly stuff they do on stage on top of their music actually being really good.

Kazuki made his grand entrance at a taiban with a bra on his head. I first noticed Haruga when they were doing session bands this summer and he brought alcohol on stage and kept urging Iza (Razor) to drink while performing :rofl:

Merch matters too, I saw girls wearing Reiya’s birthday shirt which was a play on a popular strong alcohol drink here in Japan. Kazuki had funny merch too, think he had a hoodie that said “Kazuki otaku” on it. So as a former outsider the Xaa Xaa world looked interesting and then I later ended up in their fan club :laughing:


I guess for me im quite drawn to strong visuals, so like bands with an interesting image, good album covers and arty videos. Have bought albums in the past just because i liked the cover art. Never been disappointed either. Haha.


As a cosplayer of 8 years and an animator of 12 years, neo-VK is my go-to. I think it’s mainly the eye make up and hair styling that piques my interest.
But that only catches my initial interest, the music and character of the band is still more important to me. If they look really cool, but the music is wack, I might just hop out. I only hang around certain bands for the community but not the music (Kaneto for example).
Personally, I also enjoy seeing fan art of bandmen. Thus, having the bandmen be “drawable” thanks to original looks is always a plus.

Theming is certainly a good point too, but I don’t think I have any specific preferences. The only things that catch more interest from me is colour palettes and certain overly specific items such as kimonos and cool masks.


That would include basically any band for me :laughing::laughing:

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I suppose it is kind of part of the music but the vocalist’s voice is very important to me. If I don’t like it, it doesn’t really matter how good the music is. I am maybe too picky about it too, like if the voice is fine but kinda generic, I will have a hard time getting into the band. On the other hand, I have spent about 15 years trying to get into D because I love Asagi’s voice lol.

Good visuals can definitely pique my interest but if the music isn’t there, it doesn’t really matter how cool they look. But if I like the band, a well thought out and/or on-theme visual will definitely elevate the overall experience imo.

The members’ personalities can also be a draw but to be honest it is more likely to be something that pushes me away than draws me in. Mostly because it is the kind of thing I am not likely to find out until I already like the band. Disliking a member can genuinely lessen my enjoyment of their music. I also have to admit there are some bands I have basically no interest in checking out because I have seen their members on social media :sweat_smile: However I absolutely love it when artists I admire are kind and/or have a good sense of humour so I suppose hearing that about someone before knowing their music might make me check them out. But I don’t think that has happened yet :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Their charisma and the way they hype up their audience


The voice is also essential for me so i can enjoy a band in its entirety.

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