What video games are you playing?

Started The Rising Tide DLC for Final Fantasy XVI. I forgot just how gorgeous the game is.


Hope you’re enjoying it!

I’ve completed everything in the lead up to the last boss of the base game and I’ve enjoyed it so much more than Rebirth. People complain about the side quests but I found them infinitely more interesting than mushroom picking and chicken herding.

The combat is definitely repetitive though!

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Finished it a few days ago and it was great! Honestly, some of the best content in the whole game. I haven’t played Rebirth yet (and probably never will) so can’t comment on mushroom picking, but I was mixed on the sidequests.

The quests themselves are pretty lame since most of them are fetch quests or “go kill x amount of monsters”. I wouldn’t have as much of an issue with them if they let us turn off all the destination markers and guides. Feels like you’re just following an arrow rather than playing a game.

The lore can be interesting, but I wish they:

  1. Removed like half the amount of side quests
  2. Wrote a majority of side quests to revolve around the main cast of characters rather than random npcs
  3. Included more high quality cutscenes as “rewards” for these side quests instead of showing characters standing around with the same animations

Some of the last handful of side quests were really good. I just wished they wrote them all like that.

To your point, since all you ever do is combat, it would’ve been nice to give us some other stuff to do than fighting and walking around. Doesn’t have to be a mini-game persay, but a breakup in activities would’ve kept the game feeling refreshing. The Rising Tide felt close to perfecting the formula they started with the base game though. Would’ve loved for the whole game to have gone more in this direction.


Totally get your points. I’ve burned myself out on RPGS with awful side quests so this was a nice change of pace for me.

I guess I really enjoyed the majority of these as they helped to flesh out minor characters as well as your comrades. I really felt like my actions were improving the world I lived in, rather than just guiding some rando from point A to point B, needlessly killing someone etc.

As for the combat, Clive pretty much has a 4 hit combo, a thrust, a slam, and a magic attack so the gameplay loop gets old very fast. Considering the combat director was involved with Devil May Cry 5, I expected something a bit more deep. I think the combat could have been vastly improved if you could play as Cid, Jill, Joshua, and Dion, just to mix it up a bit.

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I’ve been playing League of Legends on the KR server pretty seriously for about a month or so now, and I genuinely can’t tell if I still suck or if the skill floor is just THAT high :smiling_face_with_tear:

Just beat Elden Ring DLC’s last boss in NG+11.


The difficulty was so insane that I thought I would never finish the DLC. But with a greatshield and a thrusting weapon, you can attack the last boss as you guard at the same time. Summoning an NPC will unnecessarily make the fight more difficult as it increases the boss’ max HP.


You’re gonna make me replay the entire trilogy, if you have a second joystick you can enter a debug command. It allows you to cheese certain annoying parts!

After about 200 hours in the game, I’m at the final boss in the Elden Ring DLC.

I hate this game.


That’s very true. It does feel like the quests tie in with the narrative of the game.

Now this is true. His basic moves are so basic. Without the Eikonic move sets, it’s incredibly simple. Any time you’re waiting on cooldowns doing the same combo gets ooooold. It’s just 4 melee attacks, or 4 attacks with a magic burst in between each hit. It’s literally 1 combo that you just make longer.

Granted, when you start using accessories and find a good eikon set, you can do some pretty fun combos and stack damage nicely. Elemental effects would’ve been a very welcome addition.

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Exactly that, it’s definitely not the best. The whole set up seems like it’s aiming for God of War style combat, but the regular attacks are nowhere near as fun due to the lack of combos, timings, or elements. Torgal, as adorable as he is, is also pretty redundant.

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I have been helping people beat the last boss in the Elden Ring DLC and have been rewarded with almost 50 more rune arcs from doing this so far. It’s the most fun boss fight in Elden Ring ever. You have to stay focused managing the stamina bar while guarding; otherwise, you’ll die in a hit or two.



It’s been a month since the Elden Ring DLC has been released. I have beat Promised Consort Radahn around 110+ times from various NG+ as a cooperator. Most of the time, the host doesn’t survive, but it’s completely understandable.

Some people even let me solo him after seeing me survive every session without dying. Things start to get significantly tougher from NG+4 onwards for soloing and keeping the host alive. The difficulty is ridiculously more insane in NG+7 that I once thought I could never beat the DLC lol. It’s fun to help people beat the last boss from various NG+ though.


Man, I’ve yet to even beat the game once yet. You’re on a roll haha.

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I haven’t explored everything in the DLC yet because I have been playing it blindly for the first time. So many quests were cut off, unfortunately. It’s said it will take 3 playthroughs at least to collect everything.

The DLC last boss is super fun to fight. But without a greatshield and a thrusting weapon, it will be much harder for me. Looks like a number of people are stuck at the DLC last boss, so it doesn’t take long to be summoned. It’s a great feeling when you are able to help someone finally beat him.

IMO, Elden Ring will be more enjoyable once you have learned the game mechanics. It took me 5-6 playthroughs to learn the essentials which was a bit late compared to most people.

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The Witcher 3, Octopath Traveler 2, Final Fantasy Tactics, Onimusha Dawn of Dreams.


Currently really liking Unicorn Overlord for the Switch. Really interesting game if you’re into tactical RPGs like Fire Emblem and Tactics Ogre, like me.


Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance on Game Cube, one of my best gaming experiences. A bit nostalgic about this. :sweat_smile:


3 playthroughs??? Damn.

I did hear about the difficulty controversy. Apparently FromSoft had to tweak the DLC to make it easier.

When you say 5-6 playthroughs, how long does each playthrough take you?

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Yes, many players complained that the DLC was too difficult and it ruined the fun when it was initially out, so FromSoftware adjusted the damage dealt and damage received to be a bit easier especially in the early game. You have to explore the DLC to collect upgrade materials from various places as well as beating bosses to level up your character like in Sekiro, and the first 10 blessing levels out of 20 are significant upgrades.

My first Elden Ring playthrough was the longest. It took me over 200 hours to explore every dungeon and collect as many items as possible, but you can’t do it in one go because sometimes you have to choose one between the two items and get the other in a NG+.

However, after the first playthrough (NG+0), most of the areas are skippable given you have collected most of the items there. I can finish the main game in 6-8 hours knowing all the essential routes. Only +25 and +10 smithing stones limited in each playthough are what I don’t want to miss.

Shadow of the Erdtree is more like an expansion rather than just a DLC. It’s around 40% of the main game which I think can take up to 300 hours to explore everything in the main game and the DLC in one playthrough for first timers.

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I think I am right to procrastinate picking up the DLC until I get the proper time and mind frame to play the game again. 40% of the main game is like 80-100 hours for me. I need to commit time for this.