I’ve never been to a Visual Kei concert
Mmm for me it was the backstage moment I had back in 2019 with Jupiter during their Europe tour
I had bought a VIP/Venus ticket for autographs, and had them sign my fan art. Kuze was really excited to receive fan art and was happily blabbing about hahaha
I also saw Babykingdom this year in Kanda, Tokyo, there I really enjoyed just being together with other bangya girls and performing furitsuke. Also being in the same room as my honmei-band of 4,5 years was kinda unbelievable hahahaa
I’d actually say it was this June at Kansai Rock Summit. Ending set of the night, I went to this small side venue to go see Zeke Deux, couldn’t have been more than 25 people there to see them.
Got a pick from both Haruka and Maya, the only time that an actual “pit” broke out, and got to hold Kakeru while he leaned back into the crowd.
Probably just getting to see the Gazette in 2019 live in London after wanting to see them perform for so many years
Anti Feminism for sure. Saw them live in 2006 I think and Plastic Tree in 2007
Then some years passed and saw Dir en Grey live in Germany.
Seeing KENZI break light tubes, cut himself, jump through tables, sometimes flaming tables and covered in blood sounds amazing.
I was surprised I was even allowed to go since I was still in high school.
I also remember shaking hands with the band members and got their autographs as well.
My favorites:
- seeing LUNA SEA live in Bochum (2010), classic best-of setlist, incredible vibes
- shaking hands with MERRY and giving Nero my fanart in Munich, then seeing them live (2006)
- this one’s only vk-adjacent: seeing ZIZ and SPEECIES live in Budapest (2012), hanging out for a bit outside, getting some stuff signed by Sadie Pink Galaxy and Chargeeeeee, photo with Közi & co. (oh, and double dose of Közi that night cuz he played support guitar for SPEECIES too!)
Gotta be when the dude from Mamireta dapped me up before he did his breakdancing in the crowd thing.
Even better cause it was a show I dragged two of my friends who don’t care about VK to.
I have the same experiences shared across every live I’ve been to and that’s feeling incredibly awkward, uncomfortable, and being in fight-or-flight the entire time because I’m a tall, male foreigner.
Aside from that:
I saw GAM! and ZON in Osaka and there were like 15 girls there + me so I tried to hide in the back (but I stick out so lol). GAM! performed first and they were new at the time and I got the impression that none of the girls knew who they were, I surely didn’t. There was a point where the vocalist locked eyes with me and started smiling while singing like in a “hey, I see you” kinda way. After they were done and there was a break before ZON came on, they stood behind their merch table and not a single girl bought anything or even approached them. I felt bad so I went up and both of them were super friendly and I asked if they had a CD for sale and the vocalist told me that they’re out of their demo CD but he decided to give me the one that he had on display. He ran into another room to grab a CD sleeve and gave it to me.
I was like damn bro, that was so kind. When ZON came on, it was apparent that all 15 of those girls were there for them. They played like 6 songs and then we all played bingo. I was so confused but it was also very cool. One of the girls grabbed the cards from one of the members and passed them out to everyone. After bingo, they resumed playing.
I got to see VIRGE play two days in a row and on the 2nd day, I got to take a picture with Ryo and I was cheesing so hard because it was just a weird and awkward time because I don’t know Japanese but it was also incredible.
On Halloween, I saw ZERA and got to meet and take a pic with Hisui and he was so kind and thanked me for coming in English. Very cool experience!
good news everyone, the thread is no jrock inclusive
Any VK concerts here in Germany before 2009/2010. I don’t care if it’s cringe, but people in the middle of Europe camping for 3 days in the cold for a Japanese band who hasn’t released any CD in Europe or has never been played on TV or the radio and the concerts being sold out within 72 hours (like Dir en grey in Berlin in 2005) was just awesome. There was energy, the bands were super excited to play here and it was a very unique experience. Nothing comparable to VK concerts in Japan or VK bands (if they do) touring abroad these days.
In that case I’ll have to add Crossfaith’s first gig in Budapest in 2012! A totally run-down looking room in a bigger venue, they were only one of like three opening acts but their set was close to being the most intense 25 minutes of my life, haha. Amazing energies! Afterwards all the members were hanging out so we took selfies, and later on we had to accompany the guitarist to their tour van cuz he was drunk as hell, lol. Great night, even if we didn’t care about the main bands at all.
Seeing sukekiyo in London on the ameagari no yuushi 2014 tour.
Set list
This was before VITIUM was released. They played the tour’s namesake song from that album which no one had heard before, and it was incredibly beautiful.
The audience was tiny. There were maybe 150 people there. Felt very intimate. It was a really special experience, especially since it’s doubtful they’ll ever return.
Seeing Develop One’s Faculties in Japan this year. They’re an incredibly technically skilled band but also a really fun and emotional band.
I’ve seen a great deal of all my favorite VK and J-Rock artists, most commonly Dir en grey I’ve seen a few times and got a drumstick when he flung it into the Audience. I still have the drumstick, it’s one of my favorite possessions lol
Otherwise seeing and meeting both Schwartz Stein and Kamijo were my favorite experiences. Their music each respectively made my troubled youth bearable. It was nice to thank them for that and show them the tattoos I got for them.
I was one of these crazy 48h (?) camping chicks and I keep asking myself how I was this stupid. It was even raining in one the nights and our feet got wet because the umbrella was just covering our heads…
Well at least now I can pretend I had wild teenage years
I think I have a few ultimate moments:
-Just being to legendary venues like nippon budokan and tokyo dome (both GazettE)
a meet and great with GazettE were I looked Aoi in the eyes and thought “I never knew you were that handsome!”
taking a photo with Dir en grey (minus Kyo) standing between Die and Toshiya
that super small club in Osaka were Sadie played at the day of my best friend’s birthday. So many encores I lost count and all the fans took each others hands and jumped and I got one of the scretly signed photo sets.
But the best was: I bought a present for Dir en grey’s Kyo and was able to talk a security person into giving it to him at a festival. It was just a small scarf with grey leopard print. But he came on stage having it wrapped around his wrist
I met The Underdark, D’espairsRay and MUCC at a tour they did with some english-speaking bands back in the day. I got hugs from Hizumi and ZERO (ZERO is still my favorite) from D’espairsRay and was hoping to get more hugs from MUCC, and when I asked the guitarist if I could hug him he said “yes” but I think they were coached by their managers to simply say 'yes" if they didn’t understand something so as I hugged him his eyes got HUGE and the rest of the band started laughing at him then they all came and hugged me. But meeting HYDE during his VAMPS tour in the US was up there as well. I have a lot of very good memories from VK shows!
Ohhhh! Jealouse! I met Hizumi once after Despa’s disbandment when he was selling stuff he designed at a pop up store and had a little chat eith him but did not dare to ask for something like a hug. Especially as he seemed like a pretty shy typ.