Which disbandment/hiatus hit you the hardest?

Idk why but every band that are my favorite beside born and mejibray i got into after they disbanded or tail end of disbandment and just like it hits me hard after the fact idk sounds odd. Has anyone has experienced this before??


ViViD and Canzel were the worst for me.
Canzel’s situation with their vehicle accident and injuries was pretty sad, right before we were gonna get their Invit SP album. But who knows, we may have never got UNiTE (whom I loveeee) if not for their disbandment.

I still don’t know why ViViD disbanded tbh. They accelerated so fast into a Major band and did intros to some pretty big anime, I felt like they could only get bigger and better. SHIN’s solo stuff is decent but I haven’t really heard anything amazing from Ryoga or Reno’s projects.

I know it will happen one day, but I’m not ready for RAZOR to disband. I’ve gotta see them live at least one more time.

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They are disbanding??? O-o

9 goats blackout and d’spairsray for me. Those were big ones when I started listening to VK and it really sucked to know I wouldn’t get to hear new music from them just a year or two after discovering their work.


I used to not be as miffed with bands disbanding, since the members I liked would usually show up in other bands. Unfortunately as vk had dwindled with my favorite pushing their 40s, it’s now expected that if a band disbands, it’ll mean retirement from the industry (or at least the public-facing side of it.)

As for the bands that hit the hardest:

  • xTRiPx - It was pretty rough after going full-throttle during that 2013~2015 period for them to disband. Really their last hurrah. Then for Yoshito apparently ruining that Abe family live being drunk off his ass (also suspected drug use) and barely able to hold a conversation two years ago followed by going radio-silent on SNS was super rough SOURCE (look at the posts around April 2022). I hope he’s gotten better since, his idol stuff is pretty good. Does he even still mingle with Mamo?
  • DIV - “EDR TOKYO”, while controversial at the time, was really the last project I liked with CHISA’s involvement. ACME has never really been my cup of tea, and I’d take any NEXX or DIV release over anything that band has churned out.
  • MoNoLith - This one fucking huuuurt. There’s Simon & Garfunkel, Hall & Oates, Sonny & Cher, and then there was Ryu & Keita. No duo as iconic as those two in vk, fight me. Miki & Nika weren’t even as good as Miki & Yuki in Mix Speaker’s Inc.

There’s Gakido where I always think what they would be if Piyo lived, DOWNER since I love everything with Anzu and they were stellar live, ViViD since they peaked way too early and had a ton of potential, Clavier since I FUCKING MISS Shuuya, the LEM for being the soft-rock AOR type that gelled with my tastes and Rikuto being the sweetest vocalist, ドレミ・ファ since iirc Om was struggling with depression on his way out of the band… The list goes on.

** JDA/ABC was bad, but it felt like more of a confirmation of the worst. Kicked-while-you’re-already-down kind of energy :frowning_face: .


Was literally thinking last night how I miss Dadaroma. Obviously the members are doing their own thing now but neither, for me, are as good as Dadaroma was, really was something special.


When Mama annouced there hiatus it came with the departer of there record label Bloom and drummer Api at the same time I can’t tell you what happened that day or the few days after my memory is a complete blank my mind blacked it out.
The reason why it hit me so hard was because I thought it was the end they where leaving there record company and one of there members too I’ve followed Visual Kei for a majoirty of my life I know hiatus basically means the death of a band and throwing out your band member your really not coming back.

I had a mental breakdown a few years ago among other forms of help listening to Mama music helped me through it and the aftermath of it. If it wasn’t for there music I probably wouldn’t have surived that day or the many days after it so hearing there hiatus made me spiral

(fk those who slowly built my sanity to a breaking point) thank god Mama came back and now there growing bigger everytime they annouce stuff I hope I can see them live one day before a final acutal disbandment

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