
just when you thought he couldn’t be cringier:


Does this mean that Elon is a Yoshiki fan?

He probably has no clue who scarf woman is


You really think so? The vibes Elon sends are that they are close friends, not gonna lie, and I guess Yoshiki was invited to the party since I guess just anyone cant get in there?

It’s cute cause them both so desperately want to be liked


i lost all respect for yoshiki when he started sniffling about internet haterz on a niconico livestream while the other bandmen on the livestream just sat there awkwardly lmao. like sure haters suck. but you’re like a millionaire with 6 blonde models for assistants. get off twitter and have an orgy or something, idk


Yo$hiki lookin’ like someone’s grandmomma; they got that fresh face lift.

Was his take on haters hot?

iirc he was saying that people were being mean and dismissing all his other projects. I don’t think he mentioned the album, but lol it’s obviously people asking for the album. he also went on a little teary rant about showing the haters that he’s still got it.

(this was a few years ago so i MIGHT have gotten the exact details mixed up. He sniffles and starts tearing up a lot when he’s talking, so it’s hard to keep track lol)


Fffff, he drops his new projects, so why should we keep picking them up for him? Even Gackt won’t work with Yoshiki anymore because of how carelessly he treated S.K.I.N


Thanks for the info buddy!

By the way that the he gets to party with Musk, does it mean he is considered a “vip” guest in the “rich people community” in the states? How come they care about him so much? Or does he make it look like they care…? :rofl: How did he even get in there? Sneaked in? Do people there really know about him? Sorry if I sound harsh…

I’ve no idea, but probably? A few years ago (before the pandemic) he used to regularly post photos of him with like generally famous people.

Like this one, for example Yoshiki on Instagram: "What a surprise! President Obama showed up. Having an amazing birthday in SF! サンフランシスコで誕生日に、サプライズでオバマ大統領がきた。。 @barackobama"

Looks like there’s also a thread here about that: Where in The World is Yoshiki? (i’m pretty new here, so I haven’t really read it, though.)

He holds (really expensive) dinner shows in Japan from time to time where he’ll play a few songs on piano and walk around shaking hands with the guests. (I watched one that was livestreamed.) And for some reason, execs from huge companies are invited to them. The one I watched announced these random white people like, “Mister A from [Big Company]” on the mic. No idea if they know who he is or if they just show up to every rich guy function they’re invited to.

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His job now is being rich and famous, and to sustain that he will attach himself to any celebrity on proximity.


How big is Yoshiki in the states? I mean all the work he does there, has done a few concerts, get to party with the “rich people club” as a VIP, the last rockstars was announced in american media etc. Is he becoming a household name?

He doesn’t have much name recognition, though he seems pretty tapped into the LA socialite circuit at least.

As for the Elno photo, according to Yoshiki’s instagram post he performed at the Global Citizen Awards. I was wondering what Elon was doing there and then I saw that he introduced Meloni, which is just… lol. What are we doing here man?

Anyway, fun little nugget in the transcript:

Yoshiki, originally from Japan, has been described as one of the most influential musician and composer in Japanese history. In fact, he is a worldwide phenomenon and his popularity reached far beyond Japan and Asia.

They have quite a few similarities amongst them. Of course, they are musicians, they are producers, but they are also entrepreneurs, and they are very active in humanitarian work. They do share the mission of the Atlantic Council and the aspirations of global citizenship. You will see in them the energy, the passion and the dynamism that Asian performance is able to bring to the world. And hopefully, through their performance and their influence, we can bridge the culture between East and West and help to improve our understanding.

So, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Yoshiki, Tiger JK, and Tasha on stage.

YOSHIKI: Thank you so much for inviting me, Miky Lee. So I’m from Japan. I’m a Japanese rock star. So between Korea and Japan, have long history. You know, during the Second World War, or after Second World War, they banned Japanese language. But now here we are, celebrating amazing Miky Lee achievement. So I flew in from Japan. Anyway, so I would like to play one song to—how do you say—it will be very my personal thing. I just lost my mother. So then all those people who lost their loved one, I would like to play this song. It’s my composition. So imagine endless love coming from the sky to wash away all your pain, all the hatred. Song > called “Endless Rain.” [Yoshiki plays]

TIGER JK: Yoshiki, amazing global citizen.

He’s always had such a way with words.

Back to the photo in question, the fact that Yoshiki could not get him do to the X may be a sign that the brand name feud is not going well. :+1: :+1:, The Everything App.


Yeah, I wonder why Korea decided to ban the japanese language. Something must have happened.

That’s an hell of a quote lol


Each day the boundary between Yoshiki and Bot Yoshiki narrows.


Amazing speech, 10/10, no notes.


Yoshiki, amazing global citizen.


Like, dude…