But can I request the ISO? ^___^
I understand that this is a CD published in Taiwan. It is actually very difficult to find and the price is high due to its rarity. Although this is not an original, to me its rarity and collectible value cannot be ignored. Hope you can understand.
Published in Taiwan doesn’t mean bootleg. Sure, it has less resale value than the original 1st Press Japanese version or what have you, but it’s still an official release that one would’ve purchased at a proper CD store. It’s been a long time since I bought any Taiwan versions, but they would often be cheaper than the Japanese editions and come with lyric translations.
V.A. - SHOCK WAVE -The Movie 01-
gossip - 深層
R指定 - 死海文書 [初回盤 CD+DVD]
R指定 - ずっと、ともだち
R指定 - 親不孝通りは今日も雨。+ 特典DVD
R指定 - 拝啓、薔薇色な日々よ
R指定 - オカルト地獄
R指定 - 遺書 [Atype CD+DVD]
R指定 - フラッシュバック [初回盤 CD+DVD]
R指定 - フラッシュバック [通常盤]
BiSH - TOKYO BiSH SHiNE6 [初回生産限定盤]
Srv.Vinci - トーキョー・カオティック<タワーレコード限定>
Srv.Vinci - Srv.Vinci 1st demo [配布音源]
Srv.Vinci - Mad me more softly
Daiki Tsuneta Millennium Parade (DTMP) - http://
Dir en grey - 2003Dir en grey-灰色銀幣- 視覺系饗宴 In Taipei
Dir en grey - GAUZE [完全生産限定盤 2枚組(2LP)]
Dir en grey - TOUR22-23 PHALARIS [初回生産限定盤 Blu-ray バンドル]
LIVE写真集『TOUR22-23 PHALARIS』(『TOUR22-23 PHALARIS』初回限定盤スリーブケースと同サイズ/80p/フルカラー) オリジナルクリアケース + オリジナルアクリルスタンド
ゴールデンボンバー - イイね
Genealogie der Moral - Deadman
Gauze LP - Dir en grey
The Devil in Me - DIR EN GREY
Memento Mori - Buck-Tick
極東 I LOVE YOU - Buck-Tick
Carpe Diem - Femme Fatale
Recent Buys:
Xaaxaa - Nozokiana
v[neu] - N.ever
caligari - 17.5
caligari - Seishun no Nukegara DVD
caligari 30th anniversary bonus DVD (free!)
Bonus: the rarest thing I own
SID - Yoshigai Manabu 17 Sai (Mushoku) original release MD
What site?
但這六個影片算是"回放" 所以要購買月費即可無限收看
But these six videos are considered “playback”, so if you purchase a monthly fee, you can watch them unlimitedly.
Thank you!
Damn, you’re lucky. The few VK MDs that exist are so hard to find and usually expensive as hell