[完全生産限定盤スペシャルBOX仕様 Blu-ray1枚+CD1枚+148P PHOTO BOOK付]
キズ (Kizu) - キズ 単独公演「星を踠く天邪鬼」2024.6.1 国立代々木競技場第二体育館 [完全生産限定盤 DVD+CD]
sugar - Jam + DLカード
I suppose this qualifies I wanted the European tour photobook but ended up going a bit wild. I also got the BlueRay version of his 20th anniverssary live since I got the DVD second hand and would rather my money goes where it belongs.
I wish Chateau Agency store had better descriptions of the pamphlets because I wanted the ones relevant to the narrative but one of them is just pictures Can’t complain too much since I love that photoshoot but still.
DOG InThe PWO - ファン!ファン!TOMORROW!! 初回盤
DOG InThe PWO - 101 初回盤 B
Along-Side, I think, a few greeting dvds??, postcards & release magazines[?]
magnya carta is such a throwback!!!
It’s a classic, for sure.
Can finally add the crystal box to my collection It’s not a 100% complete and the plastic slider is disintegrating but the rest is in great shape. I love that the previous owner had the poster hung, too.
Also got a sickfreebie (at least I don’t remember this being part of the listing).
And, last but not least, the cowboy world tape. I’m kind of unsure if this one’s legit
Got the A type of Babykingdom’s newest single: Calaveras
Rock and Read from 2022 for the interviews and pictures
Kizu’s latest live DVD bc I don’t own anything yet and want to try it out (was only 21 euros at the current conversion rate)
Lucky you. Have u bought on mercati that dvd or from official sellers ?
I got it on CDJapan and paid the taxes beforehand
The deluxe version is waaayyy too expensive for what you get in the package, so I’m just happy with the DVD itself
i don’t buy cd’s anymore so this was my very last!
2011 i think? neo tokyo in munich (hope that place is still there)
Of course it is
that’s amazing!! i remember going there with my dad and i bought a bunch of girugamesh cd’s along with a girugamesh zip up hoodie that i wore until it fell apart like a decade later. it was a great place, that makes me so happy