鐘ト銃声 (Kane to Juusei) new look revealed

鐘ト銃声 (Kane to Juusei) new look has been revealed


That’s what I call a perfect look.

It’s okay. Not a huge fan of the red armbands, as they call to mind an unsavoury point in history.

Anyone know what the writing says?

Loving this new look!

Didn’t know of them, but this look is really cool! Will have to check them out sometime

The vocals were the first to interest me, looking forward to their development!

From what I can make out, one of the banners says 性傷年日本. The other one should be 劣等倶楽部.

The armband to the right in the group photo says 安全第一 (safety first)

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They are really good imho

I really like their sound and look to be honest, I’m into those kind of ‘‘wacky’’ vocals lol they sound interesting.

Are we listening to different bands? This does absolutely nothing for me.

The drums are lifelessly programmed. Guitars are muddy and dull. Vocals are fun at first but after about a minute or so, I just want to turn it off.

The songwriting is practically non-existent. Feels like the instrumentals are just there purely as a backdrop for “lol so random” vocalist to scat over.

I guess this is just not music for me.


Agreed. I checked out their single on Spotify and after the first spin, I just wanted to turn it off because I couldn’t handle how absolutely annoying the vocals are. I wish the best for this band tho, but it’s not for me.


I generally like their aesthetik.
But for the music, they try to hard to do this psycho talking stuff and fail often miserably.
like on 「性傷年4月の憂鬱」 there is one part where he tries to cry, this is so bad made, that I can not listen to this track anymore.
Tracks like「東京都無職 小林アキヒト(28)」shows how much of potential this band could be, but even there they overdo with the psycho talking.

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God I love everything they’ve put out. If they keep it up, I can easily see them turning into one of my faves.

Yeah, they are really over the top and campy, which isn’t everyone’s taste. Their musical style reminds me a lot of early and mid 00s bands that had the whole “psychotic punk” thing going on. Since I am a sucker for 2k throwback crap kei I love this shit. The offkey singing and crappy programmed drums are just adding that little extra authenticity to make it nostalgic. Outside the confines of homage it does sound rather half-arsed and severly outdated though.


The “severely outdated” bit is their charm though.

Prog bands from 50 years ago can still sound fresh today to new listeners even if to others they may be technically ‘out-of-date’. I’m not saying every song needs to be Bohemian Rhapsody or Larks’ Tongues In Aspic… it just doesn’t seem like much effort has gone into these tracks at all.



I am so here for this.

I thought the first would be a mv