
Cats look at me funny.

some amazing paintings of cats.

black cats are attractive.


I especially like the long cats


This topic feels like it was made for me to annoy you all with my kitties :laughing::laughing:


we foolish human could never figure out the length of cats. :rofl:


the cat of the third picture is like saying “hmph, not enough milk again, I want more!” :laughing:

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That’s a nice story and as you can see you’re almost a linguist of all languages. You just have to master all the animal languages. :laughing:

Oh, I have to say I’m really afraid of spiders, even it’s a tiny one. And what do my my cats? They just play with them and that’s even worse :scream:

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Share more of your kitties pls! I’d really love to see more of them. :heart_eyes:


how I wish there would be 96 hours a day that I can learn more languages… :sweat_smile: I never get bored cuz I have so many things to do, and that’s why I don’t really contact with friends. I even prefer solving every problem by myself which they made them think I fit for a cabin in a forest :joy:
too cool to be a “druid” :rofl:

your cats can play with spiders??? wow, never seen a cat like that haha :rofl: but I’ve seen one of my friends who does have a pet spider and a hamster, and the blackie (the spider) love to rest in greygrey (the hamster)'s back. :sweat_smile:

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I envy you that you can talk so many languages, I’m still struggling with English. I don’t know why I have such problems. English is one of the easiest languages in my opinion.

Yeah my cats play with spiders and it seems they just have fun. They even play with other insects. Yesterday they was a huge bug at my home and my cat pushed it with her paws and the bug has made weird sounds. Especially my white cat is the one who have fun with spiders and so on. She plays with everything, recently she played with my scrunchy which I lost but she has found it for me. I was thankful to her. :rofl:


I could only rely on Chinese, English and Japanese tho, others are only a scratch now, I need to learn more details. never too old to learn. :blush: esperanto is the easiest for me, and yeah, I tend to use English all the time. I found it the easiest to express myself. tho I’m Chinese, sometimes I just don’t know how to express something in Chinese then I choose to think in English and then it works. many friends also ever said “my soul is in a totally wrong body”, kinda true. :rofl:

also “squish” sound I guess hiahia :joy: cats are helpers I’m sure, in some strange way though :rofl: speaking of bugs, I just found a weird one on my balcony and I stared at it for minutes, face to face. I’m weird :sweat_smile: one big discover was that, it only had five legs, but I don’t know how to heal a bug :joy: so I just let it be.


I love songs about cats, I really want to find more. it’s my strangest tiny genre I love.

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One of my cats likes to play with cockroaches, its a nice way for me to figure out inside a dark room that a cockroach got inside.
Also basically what we see as playing is hunting. Even cats that have never been outside of a flat know how to hunt, and cats hunting is acutally somewhat sadistic, maybe they hunt for pure fun on times.

I remember in my mom home i sometimes tried to safe the mice from the cats when they did hunt, or we got still alive birds brought into the home by one of our cats.


Yeah, you’re you’re right, we’re never too old to learn something new. At the moment I try to learn japanese characters and it’s so hard to remember everything. Also, I want to learn drawning and sometimes I’m thinking I don’t have enough time. 24 hours are just too short for me. :joy:

Cats are really helpers, maybe a little bit sadistic as @Rena metioned it here. But they also do a good job to feel better. Everyone should own a cat if he/she can, life will get easier then. :laughing:


currently, I also concentrate on unix-like os researching (I was a distro hopper in the past) and want to make my own operation system as a result. this is also a big project :tired_face:

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hmm, and cats are strange. or we foolish never know what they’re thinking. :rofl:

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Can you resist this cuteness? :cat: :baby_bottle:


I can’t resist it, it’s sooo cute!! :heart_eyes_cat: :heart:

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We had some moving today. (Got into trouble for having them in the stairways)
Now they are on our balcony.

:pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face: Aaawwww so cute and you can see how the ears beautiful twitch when they drink :laughing:


I’ve been simping cats too much because a new girl came to my aunt’s a while ago, (her name means Daisy but I call her Bonita lmao) and I’m finding it weird and wondering if she is really a “she” or just a male without balls - she is a very loud (very talkative too, we go “meow” she goes “meow”,) orange/white bicolor kitten who is snuggly towards my aunt but very careful around others and very territorial too. Kinda small, I assume she must be a few months young but even then, I wonder why she is so aggressive to other cats who stay with us (both adult neutered male strays - the one who lives with us is a siamese mix called Chapi and the other who visits often is a fluffy white heavy type called Tufa :heart: ). Sometimes she is friendly but by now she has actually attacked both, sigh. (Thus the nickname Bonita lol.)

Poor Chapi has been acting very sad, probably feeling neglected since Bonita is clingy so my aunt hasn’t been giving him much attention hah

I don’t have many pictures on my PC so I gotta check my phone for pics later lol