DEVILOOF new EP "Song For The Weak." release

Ok, so this wasn’t that bad. They are kinda pushing towards more of a death’n’roll approach which could actually be good for them as they clearly have absolutely no business doing D- tier death metal. It could work if they actually had someone with talent write their music. Only if…

PS: If anyone from the DEVILOOF camp reads this, please listen to more 90s Carcass and Entombed, please. 30 years is enough for music genres to make a comeback and with the visual kei shtick you might have some moderate international success :heart_eyes:


Wow. I am really surprised by this, DEFINITELY NOT what i was expecting. Like said before it sounds almost like an entirely different band, sadly, it doesnt sound like an entirely different better band. The thing i liked the most was probably the girls in the video. Haha. + Did the guitarist (blonde guy, cant remember his name) not get the memo about the video shoot? He just looks proper casual compared to everyone else. Haha.

Unrelated, but despite Deviloof being the first one to go major, Dexcore and Jiluka’s new stuff were clearly more popular. This is especially ironic considering Deviloof’s earlier stuff sounded more professional, and well produced compared to either of those two bands earlier works. I guess that’s what happens when you give a single member that carries your entire band a poor cut. (But then again I don’t feel anything towards any of DESEPERADO’s stuff, so…)

I know that this is a Deviloof thread but it’s hard not to compare those three bands if you had an entire unit.


Hard to believe this is the same band that released songs like Ishtar , Saiya was carrying them so hard on the song writing department.

It’s also crazy how bad the mixing and overall production has become why was it better when they were a indie band!? Random SFX all over the place like someone fell on a keyboard and they just left it in.

Anyways I’m sure with that chorus the anime intro deal should be theirs soon.


for the love of metalcore brootal bitches liike myself, hire Saiya back as song writer, plzzzzz :frowning:


ngl i feel like it’s growing on me after a couple listens because it sounds like Deathstars whomst I love

i would describe the looks thusly:

Aisaku, Ray, Daiki: whatever they wore to rehearsal
Kanta: mad scientist realness
Keisuke: Dr. Frank-N-Furter


Oh wow I had no idea Deathstars are still around I used to listen to them all the time.

man visual kei bands needs to hire someone external to do lyrics if they want to make their songs entirely in english.


The tiny promoters who bring vkei bands overseas don’t have the overhead to pay for band travel. If you see a band overseas you can assume they’re paying out of pocket, however there are many ways to at least break even if you plan far enough ahead. I doubt Jiluka’s Atlanta trip left them in the red. But most South American promoters have no idea what they’re doing. That said Deviloof just did a disaster of a crowdfunding not that long ago so they have no excuse.


Many will if they find a foreigner to do it for free but none are willing to pay for it and they’re never willing to even give partial writing credits so of course it limits things to girls they meet as fans or hook ups. That said, if you get someone with poor English and no grasp of music it won’t turn out much better. Dimlim’s last album’s English parts were done by an American gya and tbh I’d think it was a Japanese who wrote it because the English is so weird. Not as poor as their other albums, I guess.


4 posts were split to a new topic: Deviloof - Songs for the Weak

The EP is available to streaming services also to buy on OTOTOY

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