DIR EN GREY new single "19990120" release

Kyo is just trolling us. He knows how much the Adidas phase clashed with their pretty-boy image of the poast and how angry it must make the “Kyo-sama is so hawt and kawaii I wanna breed with him so bad”-stans.

Personally I wasn’t expecting them to faithfully redo the old PVs, let alone go full 90s VK for it. And I care more about how they will re-interpret the old songs than how they look (the old PVs aren’t going away, if one really cares about their lewks). I am just glad that they don’t seem to give these songs the old “let’s Metal-ify the shit out of this” treatment.


Sorry to repeat myself, but I can’t just believe how many of you fans are happy with Kyo going back to adidas kei :astonished:

Kyo could regrow his billy goat beard.

I’m not happy per se, but I find this ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS


Guess we aren’t all the same.


Data compression from YouTube shouldn’t change a mix that drastically. I think these drums are just… loud

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Real ones know Toshiya is the most breedable anyway



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A very correct opinion :relieved:

Too true.

I fully expected more yuck at that comment. I CERTAINLY didn’t expect to get a badge for it lmaooooo

I guess we all just love bassboi


It is true though to be fair. I mean, im a straight guy but surely anyone can tell he’s probably the most appealing guy in the band? Though i spoke to a Japanese girl whos a big fan of the band once and she seemed to say hands down Kyo was most popular for women… no surprise there. Haha.

I feel like I see more Die thirst than anything else. it’s the hair

Early 2000s Kaoru is the only answer.

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Shinya is too pure for this kind of thing, but also, there is a growing collection of videos of him showering or in a bath

I guess they have a member for every taste. My two closest friend’s honmei men are Kyo and Shinya. I prefer Toshiya. It’s like an irl otome game :joy:

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Hmm, no lyrical changes except for the pronoun change from “boku” to “ore”.
Missing is the mellow part:

Naze futari wa deatta no kimi ni nani o nokoseta no?
Mata futari wa deaetara sore made machitsuzukeru yo.