New band Petit Brabancon forms (feat. DIR EN GREY, MUCC members)

To be fair it doesn’t sound too far out. Can’t remember exactly which one it is but on one of their own dvds (maybe ghoul or in situ… tabula rasa) Kaoru does talk a bit about how he doesn’t like touring overseas as they always have so many problems and basically the foreign (non-japanese) crew involved are usually crap compared to what they’re used to at home. They’re successful enough in Japan so tbh I wouldn’t say it’s impossible that one day they may just forget about overseas tours.

That’s a weird way of admitting you’re wrong :joy: I’m sure we will continue to. :v:

Can we actually talk about the band instead of ganging up and harassing one person? jfc

Pretty sure we were not agreeing with someone and pointing out why we think they’re wrong I wouldn’t consider “ganging up”. Sorry if it seems that way to you. :man_shrugging:

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it’s all right :smile:

this band basically fused Dir en grey threads with all the expected regulars and their 『essence』 with the mucc threads and a pinch of the novembers shoutbox

I just drop by and don’t get invested personally in the lovely banter over here

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I remember interviews from 2006 or 2007 where the band, especially Kyo, stated that they don’t enjoy touring abroad at all because of the technical problems and because it’s just plain exhausting.
Like I said, this was in 2007 lol

New rawrrr teaser dropped~ :dog:


Someone also uploaded a full drum cover of 刻 with the entire track in the background


The full PV as Christmas gift.


Definitely prefer these new samples over the 1st one.

I’m liking everything I’ve heard so far, impossible to be disappointed at this point.

Thank you, Santa & baby Kyo Jesus~ :pray:


They published a picture of Pun-chan (most important news yet)


For those who like spoilers

Be still, my heart. I’m getting some slight Deftones vibes from the guitars and I love it.

I want to listen to this so badly
But I also don’t want the first way I hear the full song to be behind somebody else drumming…
Guess I’ll have to wait lmao

How did they get the full track anyway?


I don’t know the details but the description says “ラジオ初解禁ver (2020.12.20 OA)” and google translate suggests that it’s probably lifted from the radio play on December 20th, but I can’t tell for sure cuz I haven’t heard of anything like that


I was thinking it must be taken from the radio, they’ve been tweeting something about being on the radio a few days ago (I just didn’t think they’d broadcast the full song, heh).


It’s a pretty low quality recording because there’s practically no bottom end. All I can hear is Kyo, the guitars, and the dude’s drums

Isn’t that everything? Are you saying you can’t hear the bass? I have trouble believing bass would be drowned out of all things. Plus it’s being played in the background so I really don’t know what you’re expecting.

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Exactly my thinking, it’s so boring to listen to a cover BEFORE the official release … ! And Miya even retweet this dude :sweat_smile: