Random thoughts thread

The feeling when you browse the Twitter of some random Korean Furry VTuber and you suddenly get jumpscared by a L’arc~en~Ciel cover

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Today is a good day


A post was merged into an existing topic: Post your “UNPOPULAR” Japanese music opinions! / aka “HOT TAKES” :stuck_out_tongue:

Can you get away with being a Visual kei bandmember in a Muslim country? not about the morality but more that my country (indonesia) have a Toxic Masculinity Mentality where they absolutely despise feminime looking men (Facebook has some good example) and Extremely Homo/Transphobic. (I myself is a muslim and Extremely Neutral about the whole gender/sexuality thing) like, did you know about the whole :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :rainbow_flag:? reaction image? I mean everyone knows that most, if not all of those asian twinks are only gay for pay, yet people still associate VK, KPOP and any of those pretty boys entertainment media as entertainment for LGBTQ+ community. (They didn’t consider the fangirls at all apparently, only gays) I mean there are some indonesian VK band but i don’t know what their relationship with their families look like.

Indonesia, relative to the other predominantly Muslim countries, leans more secular, not including the fact that it’s also pretty receptive to Kpop and the other East Asian media exports.

For the rest of them, there’s a lot to consider like how unfettered internet access is not ubiquitous in many of the poorer Muslim nations, lackluster or uneven quality of education to understand the differences between cultural aesthetics and sexual identity (and also how those two come together in different ways), foreign media and trends having more difficulty proliferating in places where religiosity take precedence over the pursuit of hobbies, etc. To clarify, this is just about how Visual Kei or how metrosexuality (dated term) would fare, not LGBTQIA+ acceptance, which requires a much longer, thorough response.

The whole “gay for pay” thing I don’t really get when referring to Visual Kei & Kpop. Men being friendly and affectionate to one another has no bearing on their sexual identity, it’s just cultural differences about that outward expression.

Also, not to mention that Visual Kei (already on the downtrend) is really more of a domestic product and is highly unlikely to find success outside Japan in a meaningful way (we have a couple other topics on JRO about that one.)

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I’m so happy IWGP is on Netflix now. It’s my favourite J-drama of all time.

I actually liked the new little mermaid movie a lot, it was nice

When an artist is with you as commissioner so happy that he invites you that he draw something else for you for free for showing gratitude.
The excitement but also this awkwardness because you really don’t want to ask for too much for a present, but you also have to detailed explain what you actually want.


Time to listen to Dice religiously again


It’s the worlds bestest boy, Tanjiro.


The other day I bit my tongue so hard I thought a chunk might’ve fallen off (thankfully not) and now there’s basically a bruise left… But surprisingly it doesn’t hurt as much as I thought it would

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I honestly think that being a snob is the most irritating personality trait anyone could have. Film snobs might be the worst ones, oh my god.

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free yuji naka

Is it weird this image makes me laugh?


the best glowup :sparkles::sparkling_heart:



Many Japanese bands would like to be U2.


Definitely one of those “me when I’m hungry → me after I’ve eaten” memes


Why is it so easy for me to binge ScottTheWoz instead of making videos :sob: I feel like I’ve let down my subscribers once more lol :sob:


this is a reasonable thing to do when someone drops a feature-length video on the Wii U

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My new paranoia is… “What the best software to convert FLAC to ALAC?”
in the same time my brain said: "Wtf u are thinking… These files form are lossless, there is no loss if u choose any random software to convert. Apple fan-boy lol "