Random thoughts thread

Thank you.
About the title, nope they haven’t and they never will.

As a foreigner who has been living here for years, I still have hope, even though I have experienced not-so-pleasant situations.

As being born, raised and always lived here (even though the first few years on the eastern side of the border) there’s no hope left especially not with how things turned throughout the past years. Just downhill.
I’m sorry you had to go through this.

My undying love for playing final fantasy XIV is going to be the death of me I swear…


Before buy on OTOTOY, check the Hi-Res quality on mora. It seems the mora has a truely Hi-Res and not a transcode hi-res from OTOTOY lol

To those who love to read books and literature, buy it. As a Brazilian, I highly recommend it. Machado is the best.


Presumably it was because of the new PB song ‘BATMAN’.

He also posted Jack Nicholson as Joker (which for some reason I can’t find now) and a terrible Batman logo rotating gif.

Revisiting his Instagram, that dog is so unbelievably ugly. It saddens me to think that this creature was bred specifically to not only look that way but also to have lifelong disabilities (brachycephaly etc). Dog eugenics for toy breeds is so messed up.


How come you think the dog is so ugly? You think they bred it intentionally to look like that? I have never heard of such a thing.

Apologies, this is very off-topic now.

All dogs are descended from an extinct and ancient genus of wolf. They were domesticated by humans and intentionally bred in many different ways to amplify particular attributes (e.g. usually for hunting, herding, defence, etc). Every type of domesticated dog we see today is the product of evolutionary manipulation by humans.

In the case of many ‘toy’ breeds, they were bred for an aesthetic rather than athletic ability. What this means is, what some people consider ‘cute’ is actually the result of in-breeding sufficient to create deformities that are essentially disabling the animal in certain ways.
In this case, brachycephaly is a deformity of the skull which makes the face flat, causing many health issues including problems with breathing normally and also with the eyes, teeth, heart, brain, and others.

I find this dog ugly not only due to its unslightly appearance (my subjective opinion, sorry) but also what it represents.


@NowhereGirl and @Baroque, I moved your conversation here!

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I love grabbing old vk omnibus releases for discovery’s sake, but I’m starting to notice one of two things will always happen:

  • If I’m not familiar with the band, it’s the best song I’ll ever hear from them.
  • If I am familiar with the band, it’s the worst song I’ll ever hear from them.

Lyrica’s Kakeru’s Twitter is so cringe I can’t
I go back to it every once in a while for a good laugh

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Plastic Tree - Plastic Tree

Enjoyin the drama of brazilian DEVILOOF “fans” on twitter :rofl:

just spent my last 10 dollars on a kuroyume cd lets gooo


officially a year panic attack free YAAAAAY! i still get really bad anxiety ones but i’m no longer a hyperventilating meat gundam!

going to celebrate by getting deep fried french toast <3


Fun fact! Every person on this forum has an “ID” associated with their account which shows roughly how old it is and what number member they are to the forum.

Single digit gang rise up! @nick is #1 (of course), I get the pleasure of being #2, and @kaishiki is #3!