Random thoughts thread

Me too. It looks so cool. Really made me happy when I noticed the change yesterday. Purple is my favorite color :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It’s my 2nd favorite.
But aside from this, it’s way more comfortable for my eyes than the yellow-ish one.

Ditto on the purple; it’s pleasant and cool
the yellow reminds me of cars and video games lmao


I prefer the yellow one, but maybe it could be possible to have skins on the site per user? I did see a colour/theme option one time when checking my settings over here


Violet or purple are my fav color :purple_heart:

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get up lucy get up lucy

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Woah, it’s spooky here now

I know exist†trace started some kinda activities already in 2003. However it’s this year they officially celebrated their 20th anniversary so I guess to them their official activities just started in 2004 despite anything before. I wonder, if that’s because apparently Omi joined (and completed) the band in 2004.

Recently bought a Mac Mini M2 for my second desktop setup, and it’s the first Apple product I’ve owned since the last iPod Classic.

Good shit. Granted, it’s probably due to the fact that I’m far better with unix-based systems since I was in HS.

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The first two times opening this site to purple I thought it was refreshing and pretty, but by now I already grew tired of it


Currently watching Blade Runner 2049 with my girlfriend and I just thought that as visually stunning that movie is, the first one is just miles better overall


i luv vk 3

The problem with the death of sites like Club Penguin and ToonTown is that I’m always at risk of unintentionally interacting with someone who doesn’t have a fully developed frontal lobe


okay. weird question. when your smoke detectors make that little low battery noise, how fast do you change it. mine is within a day, max. normally within like 1 hour (locating batteries and my stepstool bc i am height challenged)

i ask bc apparenltly there are some who do not change it and i am Trying to Understand how. that is fascinating to me


It’s pretty annoying so I would change it asap. Depens if I can find the batteries or have to get new ones how fast asap is. But I think latest would be if it starts saturday evening I’d might have to wait until Monday morning to get batteries (most stores are closed on sunayds in Germany).

I should check what batteries it needs and stock them, now that I thinking about it.

Change it.

I almost died two years ago because my oven went bad and started leaking carbon monoxide. If that detector didn’t go off, I’d be a dead man.

You never know when you will need it.


holy shit that sounds terrifying, so glad it went off!! in the same vein, i also learned some detectors don’t have carbon monoxide detection built in or that some states just required it late?

thanks everyone this is fascinating. i say this bc i was at a friend’s, and their detector was chirping. i offered to replace the battery and they’re like nah it’s fine. I left :skull: the sound drives me insane

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If [scribbled out “my” ] our sexes had been different (one of us, I mean) we could have pulled off a eugenicist’s dream. As it is there’s only a mutual admiration available.

Absolutely reasonable second sentence in a letter of admiration from one dude to another

that is in fact insane,