When you visit local psychiatrists, their recommendations are just like “sou desu neeee tsurai desu neeee yoku nete kudasai, negusuri dashimasu ne odaiji ni! NEXT!”
still bitter about pentagon disbanding, ngl
there’s a bit of advice on expat reddit. I was under impression that getting ritalin if you don’t have a local child adhd diagnosis is difficult, but a non-stimming prescription should be relatively straightforward.
the only bit of advice I have until you figure out how to get to a doc is watch your sleep religiously… you need either full 7 hours or more, and look into sleep aid that works for you, it makes a lot of difference.
I pop a melatonin now and then, and I really like yin herbs, i.e. 菊花茶 - this one is very good if you feel overwhelmed. it has a very subtle taste which I also like.
Yeah, therapy is fun, but have you ever tried crying while blasting X Japan?
every day brother
I was listening to music yesterday evening and wanted something like a visual equivalent to background noise and found a webcam in kabukicho - and found myself way to invested in the lives of the people there
is anyone else’s all time favourite song not their most played song? i feel like an imposter lol
You’re not an imposter. You just savor the flavor.
You save it up, to enjoy it over time, instead of binging and then getting tires of the song after two days
If you have never seen a kabukicho street cam like are u even a true weeb … knowing the ols who go to love hotels by heart etc
In other news hey guys past me had put most belongings inside plastic bags so I found out the rats bit the bags not my stuff for the most part psa put manga and weeb shit inside plastic bags, behind glass doors … Anyways daw Naitomea dvd I NEED to earn $ & declutter
『the all gore rhythm 』stopped showing my account to “lifelong dem mom from bluest state you know”-s who spend their days shitposting faucci conspiracies and AI-trvmper memes and decided to spice up my discover feed with party gayz and something else I stared at for a good minute because seeing those 3 posts one after e.a. zapped my brain
dear diary, i confess i need to triple my fiber consumption to deal with the internet of today
I have to confess, after I saw this I gave it a go and also got heavily invested in what was going on lmao
I’m slightly addicted now, checking the cam out from time to time for a few minutes or when I’m at home just listening to music
It’s much more entertaining as I thought it would be. Best time to watch is probably friday or saturday night (Tokyo time).
I’ve actually been trying to deal with this exact issue for the past year or so - even down to thinking that if I tried flipping my schedule and working mostly at night I’d be more productive and then realizing that wasn’t the case.
I’ve tried ADHD meds and found they helped with stuff where it’s just my overthinking holding me back like emailing or tasks like cleaning and organizing, but for work where I need to be more creative and get in the zone, going somewhere outside of my home to do it made the biggest difference. It was the exact opposite of what I wanted to believe, but forcing myself to go to the library to work on the things I was struggling the most to focus on helped more than anything else I tried.
Another thing I found was that I was constantly feeling guilty, which made me really tired. Because I always felt like I was running behind I’d stay up late trying to make up for unproductive days, or I’d put off little things I wanted to do and never get to them. Like I’d say “I’m gonna finish this whole assignment tonight and then I’ll play 2 hours of this game as a reward” and then I’d procrastinate like crazy, finish the assignment 2 days late and never actually play the game because I felt like I no longer deserved the “reward”.
I’ve realized more and more that if I just take the 2 hour break anyway I’ll probably still finish faster in the long run.
I’ve finished composing 10 tracks for my album and I’m so fucking excited. I gotta clean things up and wrap up some small parts, remix, etc., but I have a full album from start to finish god damn it feels good. I don’t know how I managed this with where my life is right now. The universe decides when things should happen at the weirdest times.
oh dear this is literally me – right down to the being more in the zone when i work outside and feeling guilty about having unproductive days.
it works half the time, but i’ve been so tired.
i take days off and then when i come back to the project i’m overwhelmed by how much work i’ve “missed”. it’s a vicious cycle.
I’m living in the world where I easily got a good work in practical medicine, but failed an interview for apparel worker… killmepls
I have the same thing. I don’t want to give unsolicited advice, but one thing that’s helped me was learning about reframing! It’s worth looking into if you feel guilt about not being productive all the time