Random thoughts thread

I’ve been leaning more towards straight deathcore now so I’m mainly listening to DEVILOOF, VICTIMOFDECEPTION, Ode to the End, and DIVINITIST if you have any recommendations. I’m planning on buying stuff by Desperate Death Parade, ovEnola, All My Paranoid, Disease of the Fade, and Betrayer Death Penalty.

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Did you know that Disease of the Fade were called Choking the Chicken when they formed?


Then we have to break up :broken_heart: already.
I think i am leaning towards the opposite with more progressive Metacore :thinking:
@JohnN tell me if that was right :sweat_smile:
Also thank you for your fabulous knowledge :green_heart::joy:

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Yeah I would say you are right mostly. Metalcore isn’t exact opposite of deathcore but kind of alternative version. My explanation isn’t the best, but I think we have people here that can set things right if needed

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The opposite, but still inside the same spectrum. Does that make sense?

All over i know that groups i have seen accounted as deathcore, wasn’t my beer. :thinking:

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I miss the old TW and early MH days where ppl could talk about pretty much anything and still respect and appreciate each other as fellow Jrock fans. Just seeing how that COVID thread went was very disheartening, and it seems like ppl no longer have or are quckly losing the capacity to approach things rationally…And I’m not trying to view the past through rose-tinted glasses or anything, because we had plenty of drama and contention back then too (i.e. dir en grey and gazette threads have always been powder kegs), but back in the day, it seems like ppl were more willing to hash things out and defend their stances…and those that were unable to contend without devolving into straight-up flaming (or at least unable to cleverly frame and word their flames) were essentially admitting to their own incompetence.

But nowadays, ppl are so scared of confrontation that they’d rather just block the person they disagree with, and then retreat to go talk shit about that person in some private chat somewhere. Real weak shit. Since when did disagreeing or sharing different ideas automatically make you someone’s enemy? It also seems like anything even just POTENTIALLY contentious is censored or deleted without things even reaching a point to where actual rules are being broken.

I’m just venting, yall. There have been times where I’ve gotten into arguments with ppl online, and regardless of what the other person’s agenda might have been, i actually ended up learning something after getting my ego bruised and sobering up. I’ve also made some of my best friends and some great connections through disagreement. At the time, it may have sucked, but in retrospect, I’m grateful for those encounters.

I’m not saying that ppl should go out looking for disagreements or contention or anything like that. I just wish we handled these things better when they do arise. What would happen if, in the midst of contention, we tried being curious instead of jumping on the defensive? What good things could we be keeping ourselves from because we are scared of confrontation or being temporarily uncomfortable?


WTF is the point of plastic dividers on the cubicles when we have office-wide lunch every other week in a freaking conference room??? … and you want us all in office everyday just so we can communicate with each other face to face.

I swear these managers just spend things on stupid shit just to make themselves look like they are doing shit when they really aint doing shit.


whenever I see a message from you in this thread I expect it to be about covid in some way haha.


I totally get this post and relate to it. I’ve definitely had my fair share of stupid arguments on old VK forums, but sometimes we came out with better understandings- and sometimes even made up and became friends. Just like you mentioned.

It feels like in many places it’s just impossible to have any sort of discussion, debate, or hell, even argument with any level of nuance. You disagree, so that means you’re the worst and must be cancelled/attacked/dogpiled on. No exchange of ideas, no seeking deeper reasoning or even mere clarification behind the person’s original post. Batsu, TW, MH all may have had some really stupid arguments, but I don’t really recall it being that bad.

I think in some cases, and I might only be speaking for myself here, people block not because they’re scared of confrontation, but they don’t have the patience for that kinda thing when all it entails is someone QRTing you to call you stupid or insult you with no further engagement. Then again, it’s not like Twitter has ever been any sort of place for deeper discussions. :man_shrugging:

I guess what I wanted to add is that I agree and I wish people could go back to having actual conversations again instead of always being on the attack for the tiniest alleged indiscretions.

It’s something I’ve thought about a lot lately, too.


I’m low-key getting paid to push the anti-va** agenda.

Nah, forreal tho. That shit is just mad relevant in a lot of ways right now. I promise you i have a lot more to talk about :joy:

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I wish to have the ability to eat without gaining weight

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Damn babe, get that paycheck!

But yeah, I don’t doubt it! Think work just has me exhausted by it, sick of having the same conversation for coming up to two years, so I notice it more. Don’t hold any ill will to those who do want to continue with it though, and appreciate lots of places are in a very different situation to the UK.


the covid thread was a good indication that this soon will be coming in, and I’m not hyperbolizing or anything:

which was before people started pulling out receipts on Biden’s pfizer sponsorships, and other delightful pandemic nuances that typically evade an average life-saving enjoyer’s eyes
(a person living in the UK with two autistic children I’m subscribed on the FB went off on NHS and their current patient handling guidelines several times.)

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Australia has reached PRC levels of insanity, hell beyond that.

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Mm, i feel you. I definitely see how that shit can get frustrating from your perspective. Thanks for letting me know tho. I mean, imma talk my shit when applicable, but I’ll also try to be more wary about overdoing it going forward. It’s never my intention to purposely be annoying or to cause ppl undo headaches, so my aplogies for that. :sweat_smile:


I’ll probably come back around to the “softer side” of metalcore eventually unless I fall into a Japanese black metal hole next, and, it’s for the best as I’m engaged to wed.

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I feel like the term cancel culture has become a catch-all for people who either

a. want to say or do shitty things without consequence like the “good old days” (see most comedians)


b. want to continue enjoying content from someone and is willing to ignore any wrongdoings that person has done

I get it, to some degree you can separate art from an artist, and that there are some cases where details are heavily exaggerated and conflated by news and the sensationalism of social media, but there’s certain situations where the term cancel culture just doesn’t apply. No one is “cancelling” a person who was accused of something reprehensible, it’s just that person doesn’t need to be in a position of power where they can continue to get away with what they did.

And that’s not to say that people can’t learn and grow from horrible things they did in the past. Everyone has skeletons. What I’m saying is that if that person has done something that is completely irreversible, they don’t need to continue to thrive in spite of that.

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what my eyes see:

what my brain hemispheres hear: