Random thoughts thread

Good lord! That was scary! Was this video taken after vaccinations have already been handed out to the majority of the population?

looks like the woman had an exemption … that’s a little awkward

may I ask you why you think this detail is important to the way an unarmed, physically unthreatening woman was handled by a state dog?

You’re getting the wrong idea :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I don’t think it was handled correctly whether vaccines were already passed out or not. I was just wondering when the situation occurred.


lol, sorry about that.

What’s the first thing you remember?


Alright, which one of y’all uploaded the indies Kagrra, discography to Spotify??? There’s no way Ms. Ozaki signed off on this


Was the NHS comment directed at me?



It is the thing that immediately pops up in my head when I see absolutely crazy shit like that video which gets justified by covid ~emergemcy~, and things that person has shared (she could not walk her autistic, non-verbal child to a clinic from the parking lot because the guidelines prohibit it; they haven’t had a single in-person appointment since the pandemic started, and their next remote check-up is planned somewhere lightyears from now, all for reasons beyond understanding of anyone involved.)

ps: we don’t have the pandemic thread anymore, but we have DMs if certain messages raise questions.

Ok. Well that’s very unfortunate and I hope that she got in contact with her trust rather than Facebook because that’s not within protocol and sounds like her hospital is letting her down. and yeah, staffing sucks. we’ve been systematically defunded and privatised, it’s a whole bag of shit. Gotta love a conservative govt.

PS: I know what a DM is, don’t worry.


That sucks. if she insists for an in person appointment she’ll get one I’m pretty sure. Even my local GP is back to normal now.

Like in general?

sometimes i get all this love that festers up inside of me for vk and its too much. and i wish had a friend to just say ‘i love vk’ to. which sounds silly. but i feel that so often. all that feeling and nowhere to put it.


there’re so many crazy scratching pads on yahoo japan too and one thing that makes me really happy is that japanese habit of declawing the fuck out of their domestic cats seems to go away


thank you for solidarity like @nekkichi :woman_factory_worker:

no problem, lol.

I sometimes get a passing urge to get more ~connected~ to the fandom (like at least on twitter level, or something) before I realize I’m actually good with what this place already has friendships-wise.


some people take bands and bandomen very, very personally and seriously :neutral_face: image




Yes, whether it’s reading a folklore horror book at your schools library, or a dream, maybe even riding on your fathers shoulders.

My grandfather picking me up and sitting me on the kitchen counter.

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