Regarding Yohio

For me what determines if a band is visual kei or not is whether or not they call themselves visual kei, that’s it. It was weird hearing the guy from ACME saying Slipknot was visual kei because when I’ve defined visual kei to people I had also used Slipknot as an example as well as bands like Marilyn Manson, Gwar, Rammstein, black metal bands that use corpse paint, etc. of western bands that if they had been from Japan they might have been considered visual kei. In fact there is a Japanese black metal band called Dark Insanity that is pretty much just regular black metal sound/image wise but is considered visual kei, while there are also plenty of Japanese black metal bands that just call themselves black metal. So while I say technically you could see the bands I previously mentioned as visual kei, for me what truly defines a band as being visual kei or not is whether or not they consider themselves to be.


oh, lmao.

it’s from her interview as an ambassador for the genre of unique asian-only ethereal princes:

Looking forward to it! Alright, what is it you find attractive about visual kei?

Visual kei really isn’t like anything else in the world. It’s original Japanese culture. (…)

Another big part of what makes visual kei uniquely Japanese is probably the physique of Japanese people. Basically, the physique of westerners isn’t that well suited. Japanese people, even men, have slim frames and thin faces, which is well suited to the unisex image of visual kei. Other than the factor of visual kei fitting to Japanese people, you could say it really is an aspect of culture unique to Japan.

(see exámples above for better context :’) )


haha yes. Hakuei is a nice guy but that was so ugggh haha.
He literally is always sporting a Pete Burns inspired look these days so xD
In my band I am the white boy, with thinnest face and slimmest frame
so idk what racial complex dope he is smokin’ xD

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Yah, I mean if he is defending his nazi buddies buying stuff that directly supports neo nazis that is f##ked so even if the approach was wrong he deserves it tbh.
Saw some of his crybaby posts and thought “my dad owns a car dealership” - Aquateen reference.

Honestly in 7 years here have never had any vk fans bring him up to me,
so he is pretty irrelevant here.


That is on the same level of “Cory in the House is my favorite anime” and I absolutely love that.


I’m probably the only one who is curious why are you referring to Hakuei using “she/her” pronouns? Did I miss something or what… :thinking:

Thats just how nekkichi of the MH fame operates

I’m a little bit confused to be honest :upside_down_face:

oh it’s by no means JUST hakuei! you’re just not familiar with how i write, you’ll get used to it fairly soon.


I thought that I’ve missed some serious twist lol but ok, I got it.

I like the music itself; I wanna what it was about. Is he enjoying himself in life?

I’ll never understand why there are a million reasons about loving themselves way too much. Kevin (YOHIO) is like a complete joke to me similar to Gackt. :roll_eyes:

All this YOHIO drama with nazis and covid happened in the past few days??

And we’re back to discussing, for the trillionth time, what does/does not count as visual kei?

Just another day in the YOHIO sphere. Just gotta mention the dude’s name to summon ancient cursed arguments lol


Does Seremedy count? I believe they do appear on Cure Magazine…

they’re more than an alternative metal band who do make up for me tbh… as I said, it’s just my own opinion, I don’t really care whether a band is visual kei or not, nor like I only listen to visual kei bands, nope, I love the genre and the style of THE SOUND, not appearance. so I love Seremedy and Disreign cuz I’m a metalhead, not a naysayer.

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Oh, I do listen to Disreign’s music which I can agree upon on. But it’s interesting that Yohio got more recognition on the Visual Kei scene. :sweat_smile:

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yeah, I’m also glad more and more ppl recognize the vk scene by noticing those “non-visual-kei” bands, it’s just a way for westerners to know “a genre or a tag” in Asia.

as for Yohio, don’t forget he ever had something with Gackt :wink: we all know how popular Gackt is.

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The funniest part about that is… his own bandmates don’t have slim faces lol. Hes just describing himself


Nazis Ha

Yohio or VK-Kevin?
VK-Kevin or Yohio?

I don’t listen to Yohio’s stuff and i don’t really care what that guy does, but… Someones full of himself, like that other Gackt-clone.

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