Visual Kei in other media

Shina also performed in the singing competition on the tv show last year 笑
I was at work at that moment and watched tv with my patients during the lunch. And then I saw our local celebrity wtffff :sob::sob::sob::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:


Back in 2011 GACKT had a collab with KFC and he even got a special menu to promote his world tour with YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz, as well as many other goods with the brand. Apparently, those were even available in the USA and Europe


Back at it with another finding! This time from a 2007 photo book entitled The Tokyo Look Book: Stylish to Spectacular, Goth to Gyaru, Sidewalk to Catwalk written by Philomena Keet with photography by Yuri Manabe.

The following photos can be found in the second chapter entitled “Spectacular and Subcultural” in which a few younglings are cosplaying their favorite musicians as well as an interview with Mana-sama.


Just remembered this gem, LOL


On 2013-08-31, to celebrate the release of D’s first single after their second major debut, they released an app called VAMPIRE SAGA -Bara no Houkan- (VAMPIRE SAGA -薔薇の宝冠-), which was a horror card game. Type D of the Rosenstrauss single even came with 1 random rare character download card for it. It used to be avaliable only for iOS in this link, but has been discontinued. All that remains are these screenshots


emo music artist Rebzyyx uses an old picture of Miyavi for his Spotify page. Rebzyyx, who is actually a Hispanic male, tends to use old pictures of emos and other people’s art likely taken off old emo Myspace pages for album artwork.


Motochika from the Samurai Warriors/Sengoku Musou games always gave me visual kei vibes. In fact, I think I read somewhere that this was intentional, but I could be wrong. He has the look, uses sound waves from his shamisen in battle, and his image song, “Kanade”, sounds vk to me (it’s an absolute bop too imo).


He kinda looks like HITT and the song reminds me of GACKT.

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Since we’re talking about samurai video games, take a look at Hanbei (Takenaka) Shigeharu’s portrayal in Sengoku Basara

(Sorry for the low quality images)
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Yusuke from Matenrou Opera (摩天楼オペラ) is playing the guitar as a character named Hisui in a musical play called WORLD BROKER, which debuted this weekend. PIKO (ピコ), who frequently collabs with VK musicians, is also in it.


YUCHI from sukekiyo, ex-kannivalism, playing the bass with idol group マーキュロ (mercuro)


The song 「Here we go!」by 美女♂men Z (a.k.a.美女♂men Vlossom) was used as the opening theme for a music-centered TV show on Television Kanagawa (テレビ神奈川) called 「夢かなえるまで2 Believe in Music 〜音楽を信じて〜」. The show only lasted 2 months in 2013 and they literally only used the 5 last seconds of the song in the OP and you can’t even hear the vocalist’s voice in it, LOL.

They were guests on its 3rd episode, though, in which they played 2 songs live.

The band was actually formed by its vocalist, who was a comedian, and had some sketches and music interventions 3 years before that on a show called 「Music Birth」 on TBS, in which they made several appearances:

Have you seen this already? I am not exactly sure “what” it is? It has audio drama parts but it says on the official page it is supposed use diffrent media. So maybe also a game? Something like magatsunote?

At least it has vk bands save the world :joy:


Yeah, identical to Magatsu Note. It’s a “Virtual Idol” collective where, surprisingly prolific, seiyuu get involved, and visual kei and/or vocaloid producers do the instrumentals, production, etc. Looks like “Totsuki” from one of the groups has an L2D avatar they’ve been using for some interviews, so they might dip into the Vtuber side, who knows. I make the distinction from utaite, since they have all that fictional lore, “gens”/subgroups, and a large SNS presence off the bat esp w/ short-form media.

Not to gunk up this thread with my ramblings (further conversation should be moved to a separate thread), but I'm convinced that these virtual (and alt-idol) groups are the future of the genre, or will be a large part of it. The fleeting nature of vk bands pairs nicely with the "virtual" aspect of v-idols. Everything happens through collaborations, the seiyuu never have to be the "face", and members can rotate in-and-out without disrupting the larger project. A more negative outlook on this is being able to take all the surface-level aspects of vk, without any of the dodginess of the larger scene getting in the way.

Never heard of them. Thanks for the heads up. According to the official description:

V-Kei Sentai Excecutioner is a new sensation entertainment battle action that combines apocalyptic ideology, superhero sentai, and visual rock.
The three teams, “Beelze Executioner’s,” “Asta Executioner’s,” and “Balbe Executioner’s,” each contract with demons and engage in deadly battles for the future of humanity…

This song was composed by HAKUEI and performed by PENICILLIN

The rest are made by those dudes that make vocaloid songs AND IT SHOWS. Sounds awful to me. Really hope this ain’t the “future of VK”.


As mentioned here before, HYDE has been appointed “Austrian Tourism Ambassador” for a period of two years, from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025, with the aim of increasing japanese people’s interest in traveling to Austria. He recently posted this pic with the head of state of the Republic of Austria Alexander Vander Bellen (center in the first photo) at a meeting of representatives of the Austrian Embassy in Tokyo.


PIKO (ピコ) posted a video of the aforementioned play with Yusuke (優介) from Matenrou Opera (摩天楼オペラ) in which they perform live together:

This other dude has also been posting some vids of the same play and there are also some collabs in his channel with other VK musicians. Check it out.


Guitar store ESP will host a talk show with Takamatsu Hirofumi (高松浩史) from Petit Brabancon, in which he will share his experiences, talk about the bass guitars he has used and reveal the secrets of creating sound. More details here

Your bitch is back at it with another encounter! This time at the downtown library; I went there yesterday and found a display featuring the Tanabata festival. Among the display was a collection of books, one of them being the 2023 book Little Book of Tokyo Style: The Fashion History of the Iconic City written by Emmanuelle Dirix. While skimming through it, I found a photo of this fabulous cosplayer portraying a glamorous Kyo.


Hisashi Imai (今井 寿) from BUCK-TICK composed this song for KISHOW from GRANRODEO released yesterday

GRANRODEO covered BUCK-TICK’s 天使は誰だ (Tenshi wa Dare da) in the 2020 album “PARADE III ~RESPECTIVE TRACKS OF BUCK-TICK~”.