What video games are you playing?

Everyone’s saying that and I can’t say my experience was any different. I could only play a couple hours at a time due to the sheer stress of it all, haha.

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Couple of hours?! You’re a tough cookie. I had to quit out every 30 minutes or so :joy:

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Haha, no disrespect here! Whatever keeps you from getting a pacemaker, dude :joy:

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i just started yakuza kiwami but im also playing ghost of tsushima and rdr2

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omg im so excited for the dmc anime to come out bc the trailer already looks so cool

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baldur’s gate 3 has taken over my life…astarion PLEASE…MARRIAGE…

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Going through Elden Ring because I suddenly got the urge to finish it, 103 hours in and I’m at the haligtree, I must beat Malenia


Replaying The Last of Us: Part 1 :heart:


The remake? It’s been on my list and I’m itching to play it again…

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Yup! It’s absolutely a remaster rather than the remake it claims to be but it’s still very pretty with some small albeit nice QOL changes.

I was a bit bored with gaming recently but this is such a good comfort game. The story is outstanding.

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Nice! Agreed, TLOU plays amazing and is definitely in my top 10. Didn’t care for the story decisions in #2, but it was a blast and visually stunning. Hopefully we get a new iteration in the next couple years.


TLOU 2 was a drag to play. The story was such a depressing drama and did a complete 180 of the themes explored in Pt 1. I didn’t care for any of the characters. The halfway point made me wanna rip my hair out. At the end of the game, I just sat in front of the TV numb with a blank mind.

The gameplay was still fun and I liked the additions they made. Like you said, it’s still fun to play and appreciate visually. There were some phenomenal sequences like the


sniper section and rat king.

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I’m one of the rare people who actually loved TLOU2! It’s definitely a depressing take of conflict and humanity, but I guess that’s the entire point (compared to the more Hollywood story of Part 1).

To be fair I love bleakness in books, games, films, and music so maybe I’m broken :joy:

I also enjoy bleakness! But, I dunno TLOU2 story just didn’t resonate with me. It felt like a whole lot of sound and fury for nothing. The parallels they tried to draw with the dual story felt very forced to me with characters acting uncharacteristically heartless. And the execution was patience testing in the worst way possible (dividing the game into 2 halves).

I think this has more to do with how the writers changed for pt 2. Bruce Straley and Amy Hennig had a large influence on the writing for pt 1. It’s very evident when you see the shifts in tone and story. Neil Druckman was a part of pt. 1’s writing, sure, but with pt. 2 I think it’s safe to say he had a very different vision than the other 2 writers. I’ve read there are things that happened in pt. 2 that he wanted to make hapen in pt. 1. E.g. things like character’s fates.

The game has a lot of good going for it. The music, graphics, gameplay, etc. But the story I do feel they dropped the ball. Even as an exploration into conflict and humanity in a post apocalyptic setting, for me it failed to bring forth interesting or relatable stories to the table. Gone are the personal stories like with Sam and Henry, Bill, or David and his cult. They tried doing that with characters like Lev, Owen, Jesse, but I guess I just didn’t resonate with them. Their fates ultimately left very little impact on me.

That was a lot! Guess I had a lot of thoughts around the game. I’m not singleling you out btw. People should be allowed to love things that resonate with them! This is one time it just didn’t with me haha :sweat_smile:

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That’s completely fair, and I respect your very valid opinion! Ultimately it’s just a very divisive game (I still get into arguments with my brother about it to this day XD); very much a love it or hate it type affair. But I guess that’s the mark of great art as it moves people either way.

Compare that to the slew of nothingy games out there that disappear as quickly as they arrive and offer nothing to further the discourse on gaming as an artform. Something like Spider Man 2 I guess :rofl:

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