キズ (Kizu) best album "仇" (Kataki) release

Ryoga couldn’t really keep up, but at least he’s shown that Kizu songs could use some screams.


I’m happy with this one and Danchou’s video too.

We have one last guest video to anticipate or is this the last?

Well, STEROID is still untouched. I’m expecting it (with someone that can keep up with it pretty please Lime)

Wow Ryoga was even worse than Issei :S This song doesn’t fit his voice at all


Exepct the last part together it was nice, and also the few moments he does kind of growl. But yeah the clean parts doesnt fit him

Sounds pretty good. I’m just happy to hear Ryoga without those stupid filters.


They got literally everyone except kyo :cry:

Give us our dose of STEROID pls

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Gara!!! :heart::heart::heart:


Kinda expected more of this. Lime drowns Gara’s vocals when they sing together.
Too bad it’s the last collab.

For me the best one is with NoGoD, but second place goes to D OUT (imo ofc).

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x 2

for me the 3rd will be the 猟牙 one, I felt like the one with 一聖 shouldn’t be singing 0, this is too high pitch for 一聖, they should have done with 平成.

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Would like to hear Gara more during the chorus x)

Kizuato with Dancho being the best one x3

Disregarding the quite underwhelming rest of the vocalists, Lime improved immensely, his parts sound great, much more control and range than when they started out.


These collabs just made me wanna go through all of kizu’s disco again, buy their DVDs and pray the yakuza will keep their budget high and contact book full.


According to their Twitter they’ll be releasing these collab songs for download from this Wednesday (4/14 JST).

Edit: I misread this, it appears that these are the original versions of the songs, not the collaboration versions…


Apparently, it’s Kataki digital version which contains only those 5 tracks.

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Gara’s voice is beautiful, shame he got drowned in the chorus

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They sound much clearer and defined, don’t they?

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