DADAROMA members new band "THE MADNA" has formed and mini-album "Beautiful inferno" release

It’s honestly what I expected after seeing the ex Neverland vo and the look of the band.
I’m really confused about the comments lol.
I guess majority of people focused on DDRM part of the squad while I was expecting this exact kind of sound when hearing about the vocals.


LOL Is this the first Nintendo-core V-kei band? It sound terrible even for nintendocore standard…

It definitely sounds similar to Black ice. Maybe they should have focused on that aspect more.

this gives serious smug punchable vibes for some reason, like some local mediocre pop punk backyard band from suburbia that got vaguely popular only because there is nothing else to do and theyre ~different~

you can do better pls 🥲


“Smug punchable vibes” lol!

Yeah I’m a fan of DDRM but I don’t know what I was expecting. It is all over the place. Is it rock, rap, a video game? I guess they wanted to jam in as many different genres as they could in one song. I agree with the others - too much loud gaming noise (yeah we get it, the song is called Mad Game) and that chorus is just… It almost sounds like someone turned the speed up to 78 RPM in parts.

At least I’m glad to see Takashi and Tomo again. It will be interesting to see what the other songs sound like.

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This is…bizarre? I don’t think it’s necessarily terrible or anything and it hasn’t made me less interested in the rest of their output, it’s just a weird song. Really all over the place. Verses sound like…NY hardcore and chorus sounds like early-00s pop-punk? And then all the 8-bit flourishes on top of it. Really all over the place.

Fukuro - 1
The Madna - 0

─=≡Σ((( つ><)つ


all those SMB sound effects, I figure this would… sound better with Yoshi-


I get what they were trying to do, but it wasn’t done particularly well.

Will Nintendo sue them into an indefinite hiatus I wonder


This is a whole mess and I’m here for it. Batshit kei 10/10. Don’t know why people are complaining about the sounds I could barely hear them.

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This almost sounds like slander towards Paledusk :joy:

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I like it for whats supposed to be… Reminds me of what Mad Capsule Markets would do if they were sillier, osharier and less creative

But I do see tons of potential for improvement there and I’ll save judgment for after more regular structured songs


Well, Takashi wrote all the music for Dadaroma and the compositions were imho amazing with great riffs, so it would make sense to expect his next band to be on par, even if it’s a different sound. I don’t like Ryota’s voice at all, but I doubt he composed the song.

When I saw their look and heard the song I wondered how Takashi and Tomo, who were in a band that was so creatively great, chose to be in like, 2003 vkei flashback. This reminds me of MeteroiD or some shit. It’s 2021, if you wanna throw it back at least pick something cool.

I absolutely hated the song and almost shut it off not even 20 seconds in (it’s just super not my cup of tea, can’t really judge it beyond that). More power to people who enjoy it though. I’ll keep my mind open for their future songs, don’t wanna judge 'em on just their very first one ^^

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I think this is Super Nintendo Vibes visual kei

Nintendocore V系

Nintendocore ヴィジュアル系 (✧ω✧)つ

According to Spotify Ryota did compose the song… There are some good parts but overall it’s so messy omg

Still, I’m excited for their album

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Went and looked, it said written by The Madna and Ryota. The singer is usually credited for writing lyrics so makes sense. Doesn’t mean he composed it. Most vkei singers of his style can’t write music.

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I’m sorry I gotta admit Spotify isn’t the best source for credits :sweat_smile:

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