Plastic Tree self-titled album release

No, he wrote songs in 十色定理 album, the songs “remain” and my fav one “月に願いを” for exemple.

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I believe he even composed Blueback on ammonite if I’m not mistaken.

also 雪月花 too


Really ? This one is absolutely amazing. I was always impressed by this song. It’s just feels like… a honest song… made with heart.

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Love that song, I totally forgot he did it. I love how they let him compose so soon into his journey with them. They definitely appreciated him right from the beginning.

It is very beautiful!

He is a very good drummer, I think he is more creative a groovy than the previous one. It’s nice how he understood the band so well with this composition.

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My love Ryutaro is awesome <3 nice short ver.~not sure they will upload the full video music~

btw, who wants hear the full song meruhen u can listen here

WOW this is incredible. What atmosphere. Sounds like a perfect mix between their earliest releases and their newest releases.

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Thats the goal of the song/album, as ryutaro said to PHY mag : " The end of this song is also the one that’s on my mind the most at the moment. Maybe it’s because the guitar phrase there all the time is linked to the feeling of Sadness, fragility."

also Meruhen supposed to be a song to his solo work "Ryutaro: I was thinking about releasing my solo work. The song itself was written in 2005 and had been buried for a long time, and I also started my solo activities with the idea of doing buried songs."


Awesome, thanks for the backstory Delk. Makes a lot of sense!

The interview to PHY mag answer many things about this new album.

I actually have the issue. If only I could read it :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Plastic Tree will be the back cover of the new issue 『ROCK AND READ 113』 which will be released on 06/11.


The new album Plastic Tree at moment is available on Amazon Music Japan


2 posts were split to a new topic: Plastic Tree - Plastic Tree

Beautiful song ! I really like the MV too


Absolutely in love with this song