Wow its already 2024 very surprising. I kinda wanted to wait until the year ended but I really cant believe i made it lol. I felt as tho it dragged a bit longer then previous years. In either case im going to get to the picks i have for specifically Vkei in 2023. I haven’t really be able to listen new music all to much so i decided to go through the releases calendar topic in 2023 to see what i missed and catch up a bit some bands i skipped cuz of samples i already heard in passing. There was a lot tho lol
. For my list ill be following the rules above and also giving bonus content.
For the bonus content, i’m doing something a bit traditional to MH days if you mods remember “Jrock Awards 2019” lol i dont think there was a 2020 version O-o. I also some added a rule i personally want for my own list. Basically, Im excluding all best albums. It’s fine if its an album compliation of stuff within the last year or so or something but nothing like a huge collection for example: Nichloas Best album and Zero(Hz) best album would be excluded for this review but something like “The MADNA - ElecTЯiP” would be fine. Without further a do lets dive into this 
NOTE: Ill be putting hiding single category so i dont take up a lot of space since in the blog this is a years worth of stuff
Best Overall Artist/Band in 2023
Best Overall Artist/Band in 2023 award goes to… DIAURA! 
Honestly this year is rather weird. Its hard to really give an award to one particular artist. Their are a couple that come to mind tho but i start with the top artist and really work my way down.
Now some of you are prob like -.- on me picking from one of my top favorite vkei bands here but believe it or not i wouldn’t have picked them last year or the year before that. Honestly between all their recent releases and limited live stuff they really made a come back this year, with COLD SLEEP being my favorite release. I honestly believe with all the stuff they put out this year they are trying to bring back some of their old sound from early 2010’s with a bit of a twist on it making these releases more diverse and unique. ANTISM being the core of what they can really bring here with that face paced goodness i felt like was missing. COLD SLEEP solidifying things with a lot of the good use of the synth elements that we missed from the 2013 album FOCUS. Kuroi Tsuki is like that song you put on that takes you down a trip. Its not too slow but not too fast and isnt boring. Makes very good use of their sythns to make you feel like you on an adventure. Some of their limited live releases if a bit different from core diaura which is what i really like about them. Its almost like now they built up to this moment with their new sound going into 2023. Their previous recent releases have been a bit more on the pop side. Ill edit here later when i receive FORBIDDEN ( ) but overall a very long standing band that really made a come back from previous years and i hope they keep this trend going
Honorable mentions
They didnt really a whole lot this year but i definitely felt like they came back in some way with some of their new stuff. It sounds like they used to sound about a year or 3 ago maybe with a bit of dispina vibes.
Man the Ex-Archemi guitarist putting in the work. Super amazing stuff they have been putting out with 2 mini albums made this year and other singles.
This band put in work this year. Between their super amazing album they dropped and other releases ZERA honestly has been one of those bands tthat deserve to have a top spot in 2023.
Noroimico (のろゐみこ)
A newer band but really brings back some of the Wafuu-kei styles i missed back then. I like the dynamics between the male and female voices in the band. Their look is super amazing as well.
This is a give-in for those who already know. This band as a really ground breaking style to them that i feel other vkei bands can learn from.
Best Overall Album
Mann there were a lot of good album to chose from this year surprisingly.
The best Overall album for 2023 goes too ZERA (ゼラ)!. With their album Devil liveD.
Honestly this album really surprised me. This really contained a lot of melodies, minor kote elements, loud kei elements, and large amount of background effects that really made this album diverse and really stand out. The album takes some elements that they toyed around with in 2022-2021 with their MAJRUS, MARIONETTE PARADE, and BARMY AMY releases and made it into a cool album while throwing extra stuff on top?? lol its interesting. I found myself listening to this album a bunch this year.
Tracklist review:
- It
So to start the album off they got some weird piano, Indian/Egyptian noises going on??? WHAT! lol Then it stops, and an bleeping sound happens like someone hit a button on a computer and the song begins with a built up of background vocals, guitars and the singer chiming with it. LOL what an intro like super cool honestly. You have some techno elements used through this song in the background. The whole song is a bop like you wanna jump up and down or just headbang. There are even some slow parts with piano that balance it out. Honestly super amazing song for an intro to the album. This song after hearing makes me feel like it should be thrown into similar songs at some point because it reminds me of a song where the same lyrics are used in the chorus.
- CALIGULA (カリギュラ)
This was a quick song i didn’t realize how quick it was while i was jamming out to it and i was like "Its done already??? WHAT! The song begins with a simple riff which is pretty cool. Then its breaks off into something different. Whoever the guitarist is does a really good job with the switch up of riffs in this songs and the vocalists style is also faced paced, switching his voice throughout the song in sequence to the riff changes. The song ends as a lead into the next one which is their A-side track
Honestly perfect lead in. The song begins with the circus vibe they have which has been yes overdone a bit but i believe this band tries to make it their own by adding a horror vibe to it. Through the song you hear the background vocals and synths creating this horrorish like atmosphere. In some parts of the song it feels like epic as hell with the all the toll bells, gongs, opera and heavy music with the drummer constantly going crazy with the kicks lol. It made me feel like i was in that PV that they posted LOL. Amazing job!
- This is xxx
The song begins straight away with a playful-ish riff. I felt this song was an extension of PURGE a bit but less horror more playful using more of the operettic background. Definitely a b-side track i think this was my second least favorite track out of them all but still a solid track simple straight to the point they didnt drag on the track. Not bad!
- Kakumei no MASQUERADE (革命のマスカレイド)
OKAYyyy we are breaking out those piano skills. Okay Mozart XD. The song begins with fast paced piano then starts with a breakdown riff LOL? Then whispers and organs??? Then afterward the song has the vocalist chiming with that epic sounding sythn and the background vocals
. Defiantly more piano usage in this sound but overall its just the a head banging trip. The drummer needs like a medal. WTF like how my dude. I need to do my homework who is this guy? Okay im done… lolll 
- trigger
This song reminds me of another song again i can remember for the life of me right now but anyways. It starts with vocals scream along with a riff the guitarist is doing then breaks off into song cleans that repeat a bit. Like the drums again super fast paced in this. There is also some piano. Rather short song. A bit repetitive sounds like something they would play live. Still good tho.
- ever
Okay now we are switching up sound a bit. Now we got some like Kira-kei vibe with this one. Basically this track is the one that differs from the albums style. I think but its honestly refreshing. It may sound like your typical v-kei song from kira-kei bands with some screams but for some reason this band makes it unique enough to work well. They put out all the stops even the female voices in the background to the techno background to the guitar solo. Awesome job a good song thrown in the mix to have a break from the chaos.
- SHANGRI-LA (シャングリラ)
This was a weird song to me. This is a bit of Hisui (氷翠) taking a risk and doing a ballad sort of?? with the circus-horror background??? Idk i couldn’t tell its a bit new on me maybe it will grow considering this album is only a couple months old. I do like the high notes he hits but some of the other parts were different for my taste when it comes to emotional songs. So far this was my least favorite track out of them all.
Another quick track. Im loving these riffs these guitarists are coming up with. Here i felt the drummer could have toned down a bit during some parts but it still works as a song. I like how the song isnt too paced and slow down a bit allowing the vocalist to sing and high different types of notes here. The pacing of this is almost like the instrumental get fast in bursts then stops and slows down. Its song that has its own speed/flavor to it.
- evil≠live
Oh man idk where to start cuz so much get thrown at you at once. I felt like the last couple of tracks were less chaos now all the chaos it returned with a vengeance. The lead guitarist and drummer went off in this track. Like its very hard to describe this track but theres soooo muchhh energy. Youll have to hear it yourself. Its the best track on the album. Like WOW!
11 Daydream
Okay solid ballad with some twinkles, piano and a guitar solo next ----->
12 Dystopia
Fast paced horror like Piano starts the song as glass breaks as the guitar starts with a cool ass riff. Then song dark/semi distorted background vocals start speaking as the band plays. The vocalist begins the first part and this is where zera really brings out their elements from the early era a bit here. Pretty cool fusion of old and new zera in this song. Amazing!
Honorable mentions
**Kuroneko (黑猫) - Shoujo no Akumu Ranshou (少女の悪夢 濫觴) **
Wow what an album i almost picked it as best album but i started to re-listen again. Its an okay album for what its worth. This band feel like a bit or a dark Showa kayou kei vibe to it but i also feel like they have their own charm to them. Its hard to describe. The vocals are unique to me and sound like the band has a certain character that cant really be replaced while being a heavy band as well at times. If you haven’t checked this album out i recommend it.
DEVIANT - gallows
This album was amazing. Honestly this band took some time to really begin actual activities but definitely has a lot of cool elements they brought to the table. To-hy’s voice is a perfect fit and with every track providing a good metal vibe similar to the gazette’s style.
Codomo Dragon (コドモドラゴン) - Teiou Sekkai (帝王切開)
Ill just drop the previews trailer for this one. Super amazing comeback from before i really like the elements they brought sticking with the face paced screaming that some of the b-side singles bring out. Codomo dragon has always been an amazing band. They do have low points but definitely this year they hit well. Even their semi slower songs were amazing.
They really hit this one out of the park. Honestly a solid album. I waited to listen to this band a bit mostly cause i wanted to hear an album from them considering how ambitious the band is on trying to have a style similar to LM.C. and they do a good job at making it similar but not the same. I hope they get the recognition they deserve because this album really takes you in for a “TRIP” lol.
Man oh man i wanted this one to be on the best album list so badly. If it wasn’t for ZERA this would super super get best album of the year. This band really surprised me with this one like everything about this release is balanced and super amazing but what made me chose zera was their uniqueness of each song as opposed to it being just balanced and good. I really hope this band makes more stuff and stays together. If you haven’t checked them out i highly recommend it.
Best EP of 2023
The best Overall EP for 2023 goes too CHAQULA! with their release Kaiganban-Shin- (開眼盤-真-)
DANM like can we slap groundbreaking times 1000 on this band. In my opinion they brought an overall unique sound to vkei that i didnt think would even work or was even possible. Despite this band being super new they have pumped out a unique sound that i believe is something to check out. Even the vocalist’s previous band had a bit of uniqueness to it but this band brings it to another level. I have yet to listen to “Kaihou ban” but they did post the MV of one of their songs and from what i can tell its amazing.
Track list review:
- Kaigan (開眼)
So this is an SE but honestly prob the most funniest SE’s i have heard and a comical lead into the album
. Its like someone is flipping between different channels of chaotic noises. I recommend it lol
- REINCARNATION (リーインカーネーション)
The lead in here is just perfect its like they found the right channel after the noise settles. Honestly when this song dropped the first minute got me hooked. idk what it is about it but the clapping and the sounds they use are catchy. The riff and the refrain of the vocals are amazing. This song has some sort of weird energy that it creates and just makes you wanna like dance or stage stomp lol. ANNIE A’s voice here fits the band super well and the mix of different styles makes this song sound super refreshing. The scream part LOL i laughed at that. They borrowed a page from skrillex here with have background noise then the breakdown XD its great.
Side note: Idk why i can see some maximum the hormone influence in regards to some of the looks or a bit of the direction i should say they are in at the currently at the moment but its honestly too early to tell.
- Koko wa UTOPIA (ここはユートピア)
This song was intended to be catchy song to hook everyone into the amazingness the rest of this EP has to offer. I like the guitarist’s choices in riffs here through the song as they switch up and the gradual breaks and other slow parts make it interesting to listen to. Thre also allow the vocalist to throw in vocal elements you wouldn’t expect here.
- MISCAST (ミスキャスト)
This one is a bit more chill song. The song a simple riff rock riff that kinda makes it feel like i wanna walk outside on a sunny day. The vocals and instrumental refrains here are catchy and good. This song make me wanna play this on a chill day or on a happy day. Kinda one of the happy songs and the energy they generate here its cool.
- I (異)
I love this SE HAHA
. I can describe it but its amazing.
If anyone wants a rap background track idea. Here ya go. 
- Shukai no Ne (首魁の音)
Again these guitarists like wow. They know how to give a good riff or breakdown. Another catchy type of song that has some small elements of maximum the hormone with the repeat instrumentals and a scream part that come outta no where which are also random. Its a pretty interesting song structure. Nothing i ever really heard all to much.
Okay getting more back to visual kei style a bit. I think this is their track that they can play and you can tell the style shifted. There is more catchiness but in a weird indifferent way then projected before. The guitars get more heavier a bit then before there’s screaming parts, rap parts and a slow part. The refrain of “PLAYBACK!!” is really cool anfd the song itself is well mixed in a way. Amazing song! If you haven’t checked them out i really recommend it.
Honorable mentions:
I already mentioned this album a bit in the best artist of the year so you can read the description over there
. But heres a clip anyway cuz the band never posted the full version:
ヒッチコック(Hitchcock) - シアターオブダークフィルム(Theater of Dark Film)
This was a reallllllyyy weird album so weird i that i liked it a lot. Definitely one of their more heavier releases but for good reason. There is a lot of deep screaming ,horror vibes and fast paceness to this release. Some of the background elements used made this really stood out. I wouldn’t say its well made they could have made the quality of this release a bit better. Some tracks are too bass heavy or unbalanced but still an overall amazing release. I wasn’t able to hear the DEEP UNDER mini album seems to be CD only but ill make a note later.
Noroimico (のろゐみこ) - Tenchi Souran (天地騒乱)
Another band that brings great elements to the table. I honestly like what they did this year. It was difficult to pick between the two albums this year that they put out but i decided on this one because they brought back some elements from previous female vocalist vkei bands like Byakura and DAZZOD that were long dead. They really make that type of style their own and unique to them. I recommend checking them out.
Best maxi single - (3-4 tracks and is considered a single)
I cant pick
i skip
Best single - (One track single)
The award for best single in 2023 goes to ヒッチコック(Hitchcock) with their single Oyayubi Sagashi (親指探し)
Honestly i found myself replaying this single a lotttt this year the non-album version too. Its really an amazing song with a lot of elements vocally and instrumentally. Plus ARCHEMI’s guitarist is putting in work to this band but this band in general already has a lot of support. I feel like they have a good amount of it enough to make a lot of content and it honestly amazes.
Best Cover Art
The award for best cover art goes to JILUKA with their single VENΦM
No words just the photo cuz that looks sick as hell lol
Top 3 Best Looks
I did a top three this is in no set order. One of these bands surprised me with their look. Without further a do here are the top looks for 2023:

Best Newcomer
Best newcomer award goes to CHAQULA who formed at the beginning of 2023!!!
Awesome job guys i spoke a lot about them so feel free to check out the above review on their album if you haven’t already.
Best Veteran
Best Veteran award goes to DIAURA!!!
I spoke about them already in the best overall artist section in case you missed it! Amazing job this year guys 
Top 3 best PV's
I based these choices solely on scale, difficultly and looks while also keeping in mind the music itself. These are the PV’s that stood out to me this year. No set order on these:
0.1g no Gosan - Kikokunin A no Kokuhaku
Saddest Disbandment
Normally id put BICK-TICK here but they are still active despite things tragically ending for them but ill probably be putting kiryu since they have been a long standing band. I got hit with this news and my childhood felt it lol. Ive been listening to them for an extremely long time and for them to leave is a bit of a blow to the scene. I wish the kiryu members the best in their future activities. Definitely looking forward to the the vkei bands that form in 2024 from them.
Most Overhyped Band
Dir en grey 
Every year and it wont change without fail.
Most Overhyped Release
The award for the most over hyped release in 2023 goes to Versailles with their single “VOGUE”
Honestly for being release absent for so long the fans deserve better in a sense. So the amount of content here is underwhelming. It wasn’t even a proper maxi single. Not to say this single was bad but fans deserve an album. I don’t think this was overhyped to be disappointing. Its understandable why it got so much attention. They haven’t released something in years so seeing anything was amazing but the amount of hype this release generated was yes a lot.
Most Underhyped Band
The award for the most underhyped band in 2023 goes to MIKAGE!!!
Honestly MIKAGE not many people talk about them. Yes their mastering is complete and udder trash
but i think they are still a good band. A hidden gem that you wouldn’t think you would find but is really there if you scrape of the dirt a bit. I think they bring back some older 2000’s elements that were left in the dust that i find that are still worth keeping.
Band that Changed their Sound for the Best
The award for Band that Changed their Sound for the best goes to UNITE!!!
Honestly i welcomed the vocal change and it really got me into unite more. I definitely need to re-visit them at some point. Overall based on the new stuff i heard from vocalist Nozomi (希), he does an better job in replacing the previous vocalist. I hope the best for this band going into 2024 im just hoping that he does a cover album of all the previous unite songs. Its a BIG need 
Band that Changed their Sound for the Worse
The award for Band that Changed their Sound for the Worse goes to Deviloof
Honestly i understand the backlash but at the same time Dystopia was bad but like they just progressively got worse in 2023 surprisingly. They need some help honestly idk what else to really say then whatever was already said in the forum review of the DANMED album. I only liked 2 songs from their danmed EP and 0 songs from their DYSTOPIA album. Hopefully they come back with their new EP in 2024. We shall see 
Band that you spent most of your money on in 2023
Honestly this was DIAURA because collection their limited lives stuff has been a PAIN!! but im almost done 
What the hell were they thinking!? Award
The award for What the hell were they thinking!? goes to Dantoudai no MELODY (断頭台のメロディー)
Like honestly why i dont understand what they were trying to do here they are trying to mix western style metal in a vkei band and failing at it so much. Like they wanna be korn but they forgot a lot of the steps. Its so bad def the worst release in 2023.
Best band Revival/Returns
The award for best Best band Revival/Return goes to SADIE!!!
OMG THEY ARE BACK!!! yes im so happy about there return and i really hope they came back to stay. Its super amazing that they are releasing something for the new year and im all here for that. I hope they really bring that sadie sound i have been missing since 2013. Lets welcome back the legends 
JRO Community best of 2023 - Personal Top 5 releases
I have spoken about a lot of my top release picks in previous threads so ill be brief on most of these these will be in order and i will pick the top song i would like to preview for each one.
- ZERA (ゼラ) - Devil liveD
Again an amazing album see my review above. I hope the best going into 2024 with their next album and single.
- CHAQULA - Kaiganban-Shin- (開眼盤-真-)
Super talent slapping 10k gold stars on this band.
Love the elements in this song preview below. I really want them to do more with the style they used in this release.
I’ve been looking for a new vocalist to follow that has a beautiful deep voice that provides excellent emotions and balanced cleans and scream with cool instrumentals. So far this album has done this. If you havent checked this out i recommend doing so please support the band
- DEVAINT - Gallows
I really think this band has a lot of potential to go pretty far. I wish them the best i spoke about the album briefly as they are one of my honorable mentions but i think deserves this spot being a top 5 album.
I hope the best going 2024!!! I have a feeling 2024 will be a better year for Vkei